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Four Years Later
"Mommy." I heard come from the door of mine and Tylers room before little patters of feet came running towards my bed
"Carter." A whisper yell from Tyler came from the door way
"Im already up." I said sitting up and helping Carter on to the bed and into my lap
"Little man come on. You should have let mommy sleep more." Tyler said sitting next to us
"But she up." He said looking up at me
"I was my sweet one." I said kissing his forehead
"Daddy game." He said squealing making me want to cover my ears
"Yes. I have a game tonight." Tyler said laughing
"You and mommy will be front row too." Tyler said getting up to get in the shower
"Lets go eat some breakfast." I said getting out and carrying him to the small kitchen in our apartment

Tyler and I have been married for for three years and have Carter our beautiful two year old. Carter James Holt was a complete surprise but has been the greatest blessing we could ever ask for. I have been completely clean for five years having Tyler in my life made it easier and I could never be more thankful for JJ helping me.
My relationship with my mom has been improving and with Carter it has been even better.
JJ and Will are happy as can be and Henry is the wildest five year old I have ever met.

"Mommy!" Carter yelled making me stop thinking about the last five years with Tyler as I prepared waffles
"What dude?" I asked as he almost threw a ball at me
"I wanna play." He said holding up his mini hockey stick
"Maybe when daddy is out of the shower." I said going back to making waffles
"No. I want to play now!" He yelled throwing his hockey stick down and crying
"Fuck." I groaned listening to him still scream about not getting his way
"If you dont stop screaming you wont get whip cream." I said kneeling down in front of him as he started to calm down and sniffle
"I want whip cweam." He said still struggling with the Rs
"Then you cant have a moment." I said brushing his tears away as they still fell
"Ok." He said running away to play hockey by himself
"Yum. Waffles." Tyler said wrapping his arms around my waist and kissing my cheek
"Only for the best center I know." I said turning in his arms
"What about the best husband you know?" He asked before kissing me again
"You will be if you go play with your son. He has already had a tantrum and its only eight." I said pushing him away to go to Carter
"Why is he always my son when he has a tantrum?" Tyler asked walking away
"Because he watches to much hockey and Nate fighting." I said back to him and going back to cooking

"Boys breakfast." I said as I set the plate of waffles and bacon down
"No coffee?" Tyler asked putting Carter in his highchair
"Not today just not in the mood for it." I shrugged while putting small pieces of waffle on his tray with strawberries and a small amount of whip cream
"Who are you and what have you done with my wife?" He asked looking confused
"What? I just dont want all that caffeine today." I said shrugging and taking a bite of my waffle

Tyler finally left leaving me alone with Carter. We were waiting for JJ, Will and Henry to get here.
"Carter come here." I said chasing him around in only a diaper
"Heres Aunty JJ." She said stopping him from running and picking him up for me
"Thank you for always saving me." I said smiling and taking him from her
"I always will and I have what you needed me to pick up for you." She said holding up the shopping bag and we went to Carters room
"So what do you think he will say?" I asked looking at Carter and what he is wearing
"I think he will be happy." She said as Will called us to leave

"Im so happy to be back in DC." I said as we drove to Capital One Arena
"Ya but I know you love living at the beach more." Will said sarcastically
"Its not my fault he got traded to the LA Kings." I said as I played with Carters blonde hair
"But you moved out there with him." Will said kindof hurt
"Im sorry that I love him a little bit more as well as being married to him and that was two  years ago when we moved." I shrugged
"Well who was the one peeling you off of floors six years ago?" He asked trying to prove a point
"Ty had his fair share of pulling me off the floor and off a toilet." I said with a small laugh
"Only because being pregnant you had the worse morning sickness all the time the second trimester." JJ laughed as we pulled into the parking garage and I leaned over to show my VIP pass

"He has slept the whole way here." I said picking up Carter out of his car seat
"Can I have that blanket please Hen?" I asked pointing to it and he nodded giving it to me
"Jenn can you help please?" I asked struggling to wrap it around him to cover his back until she helped
"This kid has way to much shit." I said as we walked in and I had only my big purse to hold everything in it
"Tyler is the one buying him all this shit." JJ said laughing as I rolled my eyes
"No two year old needs eight custom made hockey sticks when he breaks one every month." Will said joining in on the fun
"I didnt bring any of them. I just have his hat, a truck, and an extra blanket." I said knowing I have at least more then one truck in my purse
"Lets just sit and watch Uncle TyTy." Henry said pulling us into the crowd
"Henry you cant just pull us." JJ said picking him up so we could turn around and go to our seats on the glass
"We at game?" Carter asked finally waking up once we sat down and I nodded
"I wanna play." He said wiggling out of my arms and getting on the floor digging in my purse for his toys. This has become his typical routine he sits on the floor and plays with cars while we wait for warm ups.
"How are you going to show Tyler his back?" JJ asked as I put on Carters LA Kings beanie
"Well he always gives Carter a puck when he come to a game and this is his first one in DC so I know he will come up to the glass." I said knowing it should happen

Boos started in the arena and I knew the Kings were taking the ice for practice.
"Daddys coming out." I said picking up Carter to have his back against my chest as we waited for him to make his rounds
We spotted our favorite number 9 and he came to us with a puck in hand.
He threw it over and before he left I held up my finger for him to wait as I turned Carter around to have his back face Tyler.

Tylers face lit up immediately and he dropped his stick out of shock.
"Wait really?" He mouthed and I nodded yes
"I love you." He said putting his gloved hand on the glass and Carter and I put ours up too like always.
Tyler got pulled away from Nate to finish warming up when he noticed Carters jersey and his reaction was the same except Nate was able to hug Tyler and celebrate.

The game finally ended and the Kings won. We waited in the family area for Tyler to come out after his interviews. Carter was starting to fall asleep after all the excitement and that it is his bed time in California.
"Let me take him." JJ suggested as I carefully passed him to her when we saw him come out the door
Tyler walked right over to me and gave me a deep passionate kiss.
"Really?" He asked pulling away leaving us both breathless
"Yes." I said with tears filling my eyes
"Carter is really going to be a big brother?" He asked putting his hand on my stomach as I nodded and put mine over his
"Carters jersey wasnt lying when it said big brother instead of Holt." I laughed making him smile
"Thats why no coffee this morning." He said as it all now made sense as we laughed together

I have finished this one. It was honestly one of my favorites to write. I didnt want it to end like it did so suddenly but I thought it was a good spot.

I have good news that I have started my next book called "Love vs. Law". The first three chapters are posted enjoy. Description below

Carrie Jareau fell in love with the future of the Italian mafia. While her sister Jennifer Jareau worked on the opposite of law with the FBI. After not speaking for five years JJ finds her younger sister in love with the mafia and the lifestyle that comes with it. These differences can either bring them closer or push them farther apart.

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