Chapter 16

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"I thought we were doing dinner?" I asked when we walked into an apartment complex
"We are. I am making you my pregame dinner." He said as I followed him into an elevator
"And what is that?" I asked watching him push the top floor
"Grilled cheese sandwiches." He said with a childish smile
"Such a child." I said as we got off
"I have been eating them since high school before every big game." He said as we walked down the hall stopping in front of what I took was his door
"Wait when did you talk to JJ about this game?" I asked realizing her and Will were coming
"This morning. She gave me her card when she picked you up and I called her right after my parents. You were still asleep." He said as we walked in and I could tell a man lived here alone
"Does your mom know that you keep your apartment like this?" I asked looking around and seeing two pizza boxes and empty beer bottles on the coffee table
"Those are the only things that I forgot to throw away. Other then that I think its pretty clean." He said as I walked to wall covered in windows as he threw his trash away
"This is a great view." I said look out and seeing part of the National mall.
"Im looking at better." He said coming up from behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist
"I dont want to move fast." I said as we continued to stand there
"I dont either. I want to take it at your pace. I just have been hooked on you since that night." He said pulling away when there was a knock at the door
"That should be my family." He said walking away to answer it
"Theres my baby boy." A women yelled walking in and giving him a hug
"Hey mom." He said hugging back
"Oh. Who are you?" She asked seeing me
"Im um Charlotte." I said holding my hand out to shake
"Shes pretty." She said before grabbing my hand and pulling me into a hug
"Ma let her go." A younger girls voice said behind us after she released me
"Im Chloe. His youngest sister." She said now pulling me into a hug
"Im Sydney." Another one said before getting picked up by Tyler and swung around
"Paul and this is my wife Jackie who forgot to introduce herself before getting in your personal space." His dad said receiving a small hit from Jackie
"Alright I need to take a shower. Girls go unpack in your usual room. Dad you too. Mom can you please make me my sandwiches?" He asked giving her puppy dog eyes and she nodded yes and pulled me along with her

"You want a glass?" She asked pulling out her self and me a wine glass
"No I dont drink." I said trying to hold back my urge of wanting go out and find cocaine to calm my nerves
"Then I wont have one either. Tyler told me about you. He talked for an hour the next day after he met you." She said as I got a little embarrassed about my issues
"Hey I am not judging. Everyone has something they dont like about themselves and I know you are fixing yours." She said with a smile and stopping my hands from fidgeting with each other
"Im not an alcoholic. I was using drugs. I dont think drinking will help it was always an enabler and I dont want to take any chances. I have been clean for a week now." I said looking down as a few tears slipped
"And that is all that matters. You do know you have my boy wrapped around your finger." She said giving me a hug
"Mom!" One of the girls ran in with Tyler right behind her
"Why are you yelling?" She asked releasing me and looking at them
"Ty wont let me wear my jersey." Chloe complained
"Because she wouldnt even let me explain why." He said looking at her
"Let him explain." She said smiling
"I have these for everyone. They gave them to me this morning after I signed the paper work." He said pulling out a box with gift bags inside and passing them out to everyone
"What is it?" Sydney asked confused
"Just open the damn thing." He said getting upset at his sisters antics
"Ty is this?" His mom asked pulling out Capitals jerseys with his last name that I finally learned to be Holt
"Ya. They gave me one for every family member and for Charlotte." He said smiling and giving me my own
"Alright sandwiches are done eat up Holts. We have a game to watch tonight." Jackie said smiling and placing a plate full of grilled cheeses

We get to the arena and Tyler left us and JJ texted me to wait out front for her and Will.
"So you knew?" I asked seeing their uber pull up
"Yes. Hes been talking to me for the last week. I like him. He seems good for you." She said before we went in
"I am not a hockey fan but I might have to be now." Will said sarcastically making me stop and turn to him
"Thank you." I said giving him a hug and shocking JJ and Will for that gesture
"Any time little one. Im glad you are starting to do better." He said hugging me back and kissing the top of my head
"Lets go watch the game." I said pulling away and going towards the section and all the way to the glass
The team came out and Tyler came right over to the glass with a puck and told me to get closer and pointed up.
He threw the puck over the glass and winked at me before skating away.

The Capitals won in over time and Tyler scored his first professional goal the second time he was on the ice. Everyone has been excited to see him afterwards. I let his family see him first before I would.
"You did good Holt." I said before he pulled me into a hug
"All because of you. You must be my new good luck charm." He said before winking and moving over to give JJ a hug and Will a handshake
"Well I guess we better head back to the hotel." Jackie said confusing Tyler
"But you have your stuff at my place." He said still confused
"No there was nothing in there. We just wanted you to think that. We have an early flight back home tomorrow morning and stayed closer to the airport." Paul said as we walked to their rental car
"Oh ok." He said giving all of them another hug as they said their goodbyes
"So I think I might like hockey now." Will said making Tyler laugh
"So you didnt before?" He asked as Will nodded no
"I think we are going to head back home. You think you will be ok tonight?" JJ asked concerned looking between Tyler and I
"She will be. I have some movies and junk food at my place. No drinking and definitely no drugs." Tyler said making JJ happy
"Char just stay the night." She said pulling me into a hug
"Im not going to cockblock you. Just be safe." She whispered in my ear making me laugh
"Have a fun night you two." Will said as they went towards their uber and we got into Tylers car

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