Chapter 52

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"And Tyler Holt with a goal on the buzzer ending the tied game against the Dallas Stars." I said in a mocking voice seeing him walk out with an embarrassed smile
"Come here." He said pulling me into a hug and a deep kiss
"You know you are my lucky charm." He said looking down at me
"You know you look really sexy in a suit." I said unbuttoning his jacket
"Save it for home." He whispered in my ear
"Your family is staying with us." I whispered back
"Fuck." He said making me laugh as we started to go back to the car

"Why did I ever give you guys a key?" Tyler asked as we walked in seeing his sisters laying on the couch
"You gave mom a key and we are just with her." Chloe said not looking up from her phone
"Where are they?" He asked watching me take my shoes off carelessly
"They went to bed." Sydney said also not looking up from her phone
"Where are my shoes from the other night?" I asked knowing I did the same thing five weeks ago
"I put them in the closet." He said going back to them
"And you are just sitting on our couch because?" He asked
"Because we want to take a night tour of DC." Chloe said getting up and walking over to us
"No. Its to cold." Tyler said sternly
"But we havent seen DC at night and mom told you two to take us." Chloe said begging
"Bull. I took you guys the first time you game out when I was just practicing with the Capitals. And we are tired its been a long day and this is Charlottes first night back home." He said as everyone watched me as I grabbed the peanut butter jar from the cabinet
"Dont look at me. I just live here." I shrugged going to get a spoon
"Char back me up please." Chloe said coming over to me
"No way. This is a sibling fight and I have had enough of that today." I said unscrewing the lid and taking a spoonful out
"You dont put the back in right?" Sydney asked now joining us in the kitchen
"Thats her jar. We have two one to eat out of the other for bread." Tyler shrugged
"I ate out of that one when we got back... it was a pb and j sandwich." Chloe said quietly making us all laugh
"It says my name on the lid." I laughed pointing it out to her
"I thought that was just what you two did and marked whose food was who." She said concerned
"Im not sick dont worry." I said taking another spoonful
"How about we go tomorrow night I have a night off?" Tyler suggested and the girls nodded yes before going to the guest room they were sharing
"When are we getting a puppy?" I asked putting the spoon away in the sink
"When we get our own place. Did you want a town house or another apartment?" He asked as we walked together to our room

"I honestly love your new tattoos." Tyler said whispering against my neck as I brushed my teeth
"What one is your favorite?" I asked after finishing up
"I love the wings and how intricate they are. But I also like this palm tree on you left forearm as well as this little quote of be strong next to the lock." He said tracing the palm tree
"They had an artist there and I thought it would have been a perfect time to get a few new ones. The wings obviously for our baby. The palm tree I have always found to just have freedom and of course the be strong one speaks for itself." I laughed getting into bed
"You look amazing with tattoos." He said getting in and snuggling up next to me
"Should I get more?" I asked with a small laugh as he made himself comfortable on my chest
"No." He said as I played with his hair for a while hopefully putting him to sleep

I woke up the next morning with an arm over my waist and Tyler breathing down my neck. I tried to wiggle out of his arms the best I could without waking him.
After being successful and I went into the living room to see Jackie sitting there looking out into the city.
"Coffee?" I asked hoping not to scare her
"I have a cup thank you." She said as I went to the kitchen to make myself my own
"Why are you up so early?" She asked as I sat down next to her grabbing a blanket I picked out when I first moved here to girl it up
"The center had programs starting at 8. I always did yoga right when I woke up. Just use to waking up I guess." I shrugged taking a sip
"How was it?" She asked as we looked out into the city together
"Different. Its not like any of the rehab centers people talk about and how they fail thats for sure." I said with a small laugh
"Tell me more." She said encouraging me to open up
"After Tyler dropped me off I sat with my psychologist until I realized I had a problem and needed help. You get a mentor for the first two and a half weeks while they are on their last two and a half weeks to help you until you become a mentor. I went to advisors for college stuff, three different counseling session besides just meeting with the psychologist." I said remembering how my weeks usually were
"Activities?" She asked
"Yoga was my favorite. Reading books and drinking coffee was my second favorite. My third would have to be one of the group counseling. I was with other my age with the same drug and family problems. It gave me the chance to understand that ya my life sucks but there are others who are worse off then I was." I said smiling at her
"Are you going to stay clean?" She asked
"Yes. Yes this time staying clean will stick." I said with a smile knowing that the burden of my drug use has been lifted
"Im glad to hear that." She smiled as we went into a comfortable smile
"We are moving to a new apartment soon." I said breaking the silence
"I know. I heard you two talk about it on the way to your room." She said with a sigh
"I just love this view too much." I said leaning my head on her shoulder
"I do too. Its just relaxing to just look out and see parts of the national mall." She said putting an arm around me in a motherly way
"Hes too good for me you know. He could have never tried to get to know me after that one night." I said knowing its true
"Your too good for him. No girl has ever been able to bring a smile to his face but you. He is the happiest with you. When you went away that first night he called me crying." She said taking me by surprise
"I havent seen him cry that hard since he got the captain position on his training team. He didnt even cry that hard at the funeral." She said comforting me as I had tears fall
"I wanted our baby." I said as she just nodded
"I was hoping for a little boy. Tyler would be able to teach him hockey and they would have that bond over a sport like that." I said as I played with the end of the blanket
"You two have all the time in the world to give me grandkids. I want at least two from you guys." She said making me laugh
"Would it be ok if we get married it be in the states?" I asked timidly
"I am perfectly fine with that. Are you going to get dual citizenship?" She asked and I nodded yes
"I might as well. Our kids will have dual citizenship too." I said as we turned around at a sound of a yawning Tyler
"Babes home. Babe make good waffles." He said like a cave man laying down and putting his head on my lap
"Tyler cut her some slack." Jackie laughed
"No mom. You have not had Charlottes waffles yet. The are the best things ever." He said over exaggerating
"Do we have everything?" I asked as his eyes popped open and he jumped up
"I will be back." He said kissing both of the tops of our heads before changing and running out the door leaving us to laugh together on the couch

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