Chapter 32

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"Why are you two in DC?" I asked trying not to sound nervous as I got my phone out of my back pocket
"Come on princess. The love of your life is right here dont be scared." Chase said stepping closer to me
"You are not the love of my life. You never were." I said now pushing past them
"We are not done here." Oscar said grabbing my arm making me stop
"Get your hands off of me." I said dripping like venom
"Oh no you are going to regret having a sister in the FBI." Chase said nodding to Oscar as he pulled me to the back alleyway
"What are you going to do? Beat me again so I lose another baby. Fun fact the test are not for me." I laughed as I was shoved up against the wall
"I dont think you want to push our buttons. Did you best friend tell you I was sleeping with her at the same time?" Chase said as he moved his hand to my throat
"I wouldnt even call her a friend." I laughed thinking back to last night
"I know you just saw her. She told me last night you kicked her out of your fancy new apartment with you professional hockey player boyfriend. Did she tell you the Compound got raided?" He asked and I nodded no
"Well it did and we know you tipped them off." Oscar said as a punch came to my stomach
"I didnt do shit." I said coughing and trying to catch my breath
"Liar." Chase said griping my throat harder
"Chase stop." I begged barely out of breath trying to figure out how they can get away with this in the day light
"We heard a little rumor you are clean." He laughed letting me go as I fell to the ground not answering
"Answer him bitch." Oscar said delivering a kick to my stomach
"I am. Almost three months." I coughed now with blood coming out
"Wow that would be a shame if you relapsed." Chase laughed
"Im not going to I worked hard for this." I laughed being cut short of it by an kick to the stomach as I started feeling numb
"Well you do know cocaine comes in a rock formation called crack." Chase said pulling me to sit up and slapping my face
"Chase what do you want?" I asked coughing up more blood
"For you to accidentally overdoes and actually successfully kill your self. You cause a lot of problems in our group of friends and Im not a fan of that." He said standing up and digging in his pockets
"This here is crack." He said holding up a bag of  clear rocks
"And you put it on the spoon like so." He said squatting in front of me putting the still bagged rocks on the spoon
"Im not going to do any of this. Beat me to a pulp I dont care. Im clean for good and you cant change that." I laughed as Oscar kicked my side
"I think we can change that." Chase laughed menacingly as Oscar pulled me up and held my arms back
"Chase please dont." I begged as tears fell from my eyes
"You shouldnt have crossed us." He said tying a rubber thing around my arm making my vein pop out
"I didnt do anything. It was all you." I begged trying to pull away as he melted the crack
"Just shut up." Oscar said holding me even harder
"You ready?" Chase asked with a cynical smile and filled a syringe with it
"We got trouble." A voice sounding like Drew said round the corner
"Its not all but it should be enough." He shrugged putting the syringe in my arm and I felt the liquid begin to flow in my veins
"Enjoy the high. I know youve missed it." He laughed as Oscar dropped me to the ground getting one more hard kick in making me fall in and out of consciousness now
"Shit." I moaned as I felt myself getting high as I tried to stand up and go back into CVS
"Call 911." I muttered to a group of tourists as I started to fall

"Char hun you need to wake up." I heard from a familiar voice
"Where am I?" I asked finally opening my eyes
"The hospital. You overdosed." I saw Tyler looking distraught
"No I didnt. Chase forced me to." I said my voice still cracking
"You were found in an alleyway with a needle half out of your arm." He said trying to hold back tears
"No they set me up. They beat me." I said now panicking
"I know. The CVS cameras showed you being pulled outside by them." He said finally letting the tears fall
"What else?" I asked noticing he was holding something back
"Umm..." he started to say before the door was thrown open by JJ
"Charlotte what the hell." She said seeing me
"I didnt do it." I said over and over again
"I know. Im sorry. It was hard hearing you overdosed after three months of being clean." She said finally relaxing
"I need to tell you something important first." Tyler said looking at me making JJ be quiet and sit down on the other side of me
"No." I said tearing up knowing what the news was
"Im sorry." He said pulling my hand up to kiss
"What?" JJ asked confused
"I was wasnt I?" I asked and Tyler nodded yes
"No." I said now losing it as he got on the bed and held me close
"Oh your awake." The doctor said walking in
"I guess Tyler told you the bad news." He said as I nodded yes
"Well because of the drug that you were given was one of the causes for the miscarriage as well as the beating." He said as JJ just realized what it was and grabbed my left hand for comfort
"I want to go home." I said once we were alone
"In a day or two." Tyler said blankly
"Tyler can you give us a moment?" JJ asked and he nodded and kissed my forehead before stepping out
"Im so sorry." She said sitting next to me on the bed
"Why me?" I asked breaking down
"Its always the good ones who have to suffer." She said comforting me
"Can I come back home for a while?" I asked
"No. Tyler and you both lost a child you need to be with him. We were actually talking about moving you fully into his place this week." She said and I agreed
"So are you kicking me out too?" I asked feeling heartbroken
"You have been living with him for the past three months. You pretty much moved out yourself." She laughed bringing a smile to my face
"You need to get some rest. I will send Ty back in." She said kissing the top of my head and leaving
"Ty Im sorry." I said once he came in
"Its fine. It hasnt been brought up yet in the media so we can play it off as an accidental miscarriage if they get word of it." He said surprising me
"Ya cause my drug issue right?" I asked sarcastically
"You dont have an issue. Im just saying it would be bad publicity for me." He said now breaking my heart
"Leave." I said as tears fell down my face
"Char." He said almost pleading
"My past made me lose our future and all you care about is your image." I said crying
"Im not leaving you." He said firmly
"I will call security. How will that work for your public image?" I threatened
"Fine. I will be back later. I love you Charlotte." He said walking out and leaving me alone

Im so excited about all the drama that is starting to come 😬 Thanks for reading let me know what you think and what might happen next!

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