Chapter 56

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"Are you nervous or something?" JJ asked as we waited at the airport
"I have every reason to be nervous." I said as I continued to bounce my right leg up and down
"Tell me about Christmas and New Years." She said trying to calm me down as I told her how great it was and thinking back to Christmas day

"Babe where are we going?" I asked as Tyler walked me outside with his hands over my eyes
"Its a secret." He said as I heard laughing from the family
"Could you at least put a jacket on me. Its freezing!" I complained hearing the garage open
"Chill babe." He laughed
"Im so chill I could be a human popsicle." I said sarcastically
"Tyler just show her it all ready." Paul laughed as he pulled his hands aways from my eyes seeing a G-Wagon with a pink bow
"Tyler what the hell." I said
"Close your mouth sweetie you could catch flies." Jackie said laughing
"Um give us a second." Tyler said seeing the anger in my eyes
"Why?" I asked crossing my arms as I heard the garage close
"Cause we now have his and hers." He shrugged holding the key in front of me
"And your car is a piece of shit." He laughed as I took them from him
"Be nice about. Precious gets me to point A to point B." I said walking over to the drivers side
"Babe we had to replace the breaks and the fuel pump when you were in rehab." He said getting in next to me
"I dont like when you spend a ridiculous amount of money on me." I groaned turning it on to warm myself up
"And that is what I love about you." He said kissing my cheek
"Im not driving this home by myself." I said realizing that we are in Canada
"It gets picked up the day we leave and will be in DC in about a week. I already have thought it out." He said laughing
"This makes my watch look like a poor person present." I said embarrassed that he bought me a car
"Babe you got me a new playstation too. And besides I now have a new watch to wear on games days with a special message from you." He said making me smile at the engraving I put on the back calling him my timeless love
"Can we not do anymore expensive gifts?" I asked hoping he would say yes just to get laughed at
"Whats so funny?" I asked more upset then confused
"Im going to keep spoiling the hell out of you beautiful." He said pulling me into a deep kiss

"I still cant believe he bought you a G-wagon." JJ said shaking her head
"I didnt ask for it. I loved my little Ford Focus." I sighed as she laughed
"That car was honestly a piece of shit." She laughed agreeing with him
"I just dont like how he spends crazy amounts of money on me." I sighed thinking about Mew Years now

"Babe I have a present on the bed and I want you to wear that tonight." Tyler said in the bathroom with me as I showered
"I thought we were staying in and watching the ball drop with everyone." I said peeking my head out the shower
"I changed my mind. I have to go somewhere and will be back at 6:30 to pick you up for tonight. I love you." He said kissing my forehead and leaving me confused
I finished showering and putting my make up on to go look at what was left on the bed. Seeing a beautiful dress and heels
"What?" I whispered under my breath seeing what he left me
So much for a simple night in. I thought and went back to getting ready for tonight
"Is Tyler back yet?" I asked completely ready walking down the stairs
"No but he should be walking in that door any..." Jackie said stopping and seeing me
"You look amazingly beautiful Charlotte." She said seeing me
"Thank you." I smiled shyly
"I second that." Tyler said behind me
"But I have all night to look at you. Lets go." He said holding out my jacket for him to help out it on
"Where are we going?" I asked wanting to know why we were so dressed up
"Im not sure yet." He laughed driving somewhere

"This is all to much." I said looking at the view from our table
"We might as well end this year and start the new one on a good note." He smiled taking a sip of wine
"You got us window seats at a high end restaurant that over looks the entire city just for that?" I asked and he nodded yes
"You are unbelievable." I laughed taking a sip also
"You are unbelievably gorgeous." He smiled before ordering for us
"What else do you have planned?" I asked
"Well this is the best view to watch fireworks from and I got us a room right over there." He said pointing to a hotel
"To a New Year." I said as we clinked glasses

"Mom said she was excited to see you."JJ said interrupting my thoughts
"I bet she is." I said with a hint of sarcasm
"Why wont you stay with us?" JJ asked rubbing her small bump
"I dont want to. Im staying with Tyler and havent seen him since the beginning of the new year." I said hearing our flight for boarding
"What boarding group our we?" She asked never really getting a chance to look at the tickets
"Now. Ty has so many points and stuff that we only fly first class." I shrugged as she looked better at the ticket
"This is like and hour and a half flight." She said upset
"I know. I hate how he only flies first class too." I laughed as we got on the plane

Small filler chapter thanks for reading 😊

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