Chapter 47

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"JJ." I said as tears still fell from talking to Tyler
"Charlotte." She said sounding confused
"Im sorry for all the problems I have caused you the last few months." I said biting my lip
"No. Dont apologize unless its apart of your steps." She said after excusing herself
"Tyler told you huh?" I asked
"Ya he kindof had a meltdown and told me he was the only one who was willing to actually take you for help." She said sounding like she was about to cry
"The steps are not a part of this program. Its more of a self help finding inner peace type place." I laughed
"How are you doing?" She asked
"Perfect. At this point I never want to use again and have had no urges since the first week." I said and I could hear her smile
"Thats great Im happy for you." She said
"Um can you put me on speaker so I can talk to mom, Matt and you?" I asked
"I guess hold on. Mom Matt come here." She yelled
"What the Cowboys are on." Matt said coming into range
"Jen you just missed it. Will just almost fell trying to walk up the front steps." She laughed also coming into range
"I have someone on the phone for you." She said giving me as the go ahead
"Hey mom and Matt." I said nervously
"You really called me out here to talk to her." Matt said and I could hear the eye roll
"Shut up." JJ and my mom said together
"Im going back to the game." He said
"Wait. I wanted to tell you that Im sorry." I said
"He already left." JJ said breaking my heart a little
"Hows your Thanksgiving with Tyler? Jen said you were hosting it." Mom asked making my keep my tears at bay knowing JJ didnt tell her where I was
"Its going good. They have a home game tonight so we just finished eating. The guys have dish duty." I said lying as Dr. Hawkins cleared her throat
"Im sorry mom. I lied. Im in rehab. Tyler brought me here three weeks ago after one of my worse benders." I said hearing a gasp
"You are finally getting help?" She asked as I heard the emotions
"Yes. I am and I am doing very well at it." I smiled again at my progress
"What else had JJ told you?" I asked knowing it shouldnt be a lot.
"Not a lot. When you get out can we meet for dinner or coffee?" She asked nervously
"Um I would want JJ and Tyler to be there." I said hoping she would agree
"Ya thats fine. Did you know Jen is expecting?" She asked as the memories before I blacked out came back
"Ya I do. She told me the night of my bender." I said looking at Dr. Hawkins
"I kicked her out and gave up on her." She said fast
"I was using again. I will just tell you why when we meet up. I need to go. My time is up." I said lying just to end the call
"How was that?" She asked as I hung up and looked at her
"She wants to have dinner or something." I said hoping it was going in the right direction
"Do you want to?" She asked and I shook my head no letting the tears freely fall
"Hey its ok. Some people are meant to stay with you for recover and not meant to be there after recovery." She said soothing me
"I dont even want my own mother to be there for me after recovery." I said finally getting myself under control
"Go have dinner. I think Becca is waiting for you." She said allowing me to leave

"Becca?" I asked walking back into our room
"Becca?" I asked again getting no answer
She was laying face down on the floor not moving
"Becca!" I yelled running to her and flipping her over
"Becca wake up." I said lightly tapping her face
"What did you do?" I asked now seeing the needle, baggie and spoon next to her
"Help!" I yelled hoping someone would walk by and hear and luckily Abby was there
"Hey whats up Char?" She asked before noticing me
"Get help. She overdosed. Im not sure how it got in but it did." I said panicking looking for a pulse as she ran out and got some leaders

"Is she going to be okay?" I asked Dr. Hawkins as Abby and I sat with her to talk as a group
"Hopefully. It was heroin." She said as we looked at each other
"Charlotte what did you two talk about?" She asked concerned
"The usual. I tried to get her to open up about why and what lead her to come here. She said she was using cocaine and her mom walked in on her about to use heroin." I said honestly
"Did she mention anything else?" Abby asked
"No. Just that her dad was a director. I openly told her everything in hopes to have her open up but it was only those two things." I said disappointed
"Its ok. You did what you needed to do and the steps you needed to follow as a mentor. We have to clean out you room from top to bottom to make sure there isnt anymore drugs. For the time being and until Abby leaves you will be staying in her room." She said as I saw Abby smile softly
"Just like old times." She said holding my hand as reassurance
"How do you feel?" She asked
"I dont want to use." I answered looking up at her knowing that I really didnt want to
"I would rather go do yoga." I smiled as Abby smile got bigger
"I knew it. I knew you liked yoga." She laughed
"I will get an instructor for you two after dinner. You have permission to eat in Abbys room to avoid everyone else." She said allowing us to leave as we thanked her

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