Chapter 17

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"So you wanted me alone tonight huh?" I asked right when we got to his place
"Well I was hoping to but I thought my family would be here." He laughed putting his stuff down in the hallway
"I need to take another shower. Make your self at home." He said leaving me alone in the living room
I took the hockey puck out of my purse and looked at it studying every detail
"You know what we do with those right?" He asked making me jump as he dug around in his bag
"No what?" I asked watching him take out a puck with tape around the side
"We put important events on them. This one is my first professional goal." He said adding it to a pyramid type stack on a shelf I never noticed
"This will be yours." He said taking the puck from me and putting tape on the side before writing on it
*First date 10/24/2017* he wrote and showed me before adding it to the stack
"You think that is important enough to add to that stack?" I asked surprised
"Of course I do." He said sitting back down next to me and pulling me into his side
"I dont know what you find so special in me. I was addicted and still fighting the urge to do drugs. You are starting to become a professional hockey player who will be looked at by the public. I will just hold you down and get you looked at in a different way." I said as he gently rubbed my arm in a soothing way
"I dont care what anyone else thinks. You are amazing when you arent using. Granted I have only seen you high once and you seemed completely normal. And you have been clean for a week and I think that is amazing." He said making me blush
"You have my wrapped around your finger. Im not going anywhere unless you want me to or you want someone else in your life." He said grabbing and holding my hand
"You dont know me though. What if Im a serial killer or a crazy girlfriend." I said with a small laugh
"Well your sister is in the FBI so I know your not a serial killer and I wouldnt mind a crazy girlfriend. You might be able to keep me in line." He said winking causing my heart to flutter even more
"I wanna take is slow. I just got out of a relationship and.." I started to say before he interrupted me
"I know he was in a motorcycle club, was a drug dealer and was arrested about a little over a month ago. Im not like him. I will never be like him. I have a steady career. I make my money the legal way. And I have no interest in ever doing drugs. Im steady." He said making me smile
"Ok. Lets do it." I said making his smile go bigger and he pulled me tighter into him
"What do you want to watch?" He asked turning on his tv and flipping through Netflix
"I dont care but can I borrow clothes. I kindof wanna get out of these jeans." I said as he nodded and pulled me to his room
"Here. These are my old sweat pants they are way to small on me now and this." He said giving me the pants and a shirt leaving me to change. His shirt smelt like him and felt like home
"I put on Mamma Mia." He said when I walked back out
"I love that movie." I said snuggling into him
"I figured you did. My dancing queen." He said making me laugh
"Never stop laughing." He said grabbing my face and having me look at him before giving me a deep kiss
"I never will if its you thats making me laugh." I whispered pulling away and laying my head back on his shoulder to watch the movie as my eyes slowly closed

I woke up thinking I was asleep for twenty minutes only to find myself alone in Tylers bed.
Shit. I whispered to myself as I got out to look for him.
I found him laying on the couch fast asleep. I went into the kitchen to see what there was for me to make for breakfast for the two of us when his front door randomly flew open and two guys walked in yelling for Tyler.
"What the fuck." He said groaning and sitting up to look at who it was as I hid in the kitchen slowly and quietly pulling out food
"Shut up. I have a guest." He said whisper yelling
"You got laid after your first professional game bro!" One of them whispered yelled back
"No I didnt. Shes special and not a hit it and quit it. We are taking it slow." He said making me smile at him being a gentlemen
"Wait is it that girl who was strung out about a week ago?" Another one asked and Tyler never responded
"So it is. She was hot. Good job. And she does drugs so she is able to keep under control." One said making me start to now get upset
"Out." Tyler said loudly and in a voice that was filled with rage
"What?" One asked confused
"Shawn you dont know her. Shes clean and gave up the drugs and even alcohol. Im helping her get clean." He said and I finally decided to make myself present and go to his room to change and leave as this situation got more awkward
"Fuck." Tyler said as I heard from his room and there was shuffling and his front door slamming shut and locking
"Charlotte. Dont leave." He said throwing the door open and scaring me as I had his shirt half on and half off
"Im just a druggie and easy to control. Thats what your friends think of me." I said finishing changing and trying to walk out
"They are dicks. Your not leaving." He said pushing me to the wall and trapping me between his arms
"Ty let me go." I said looking down at my feet
"No. But I like when you call me Ty." He said quietly pulling my chin up to look at him and see a small smirk.
"Please." I whispered before he captured my lips and moving his arms down to my waist and picking me up making me wrap my legs around him.
"Your beautiful. And you will always be mine." He whispered in between kisses on my neck before walking me over and dropping me on his bed.

The Other JareauOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora