Chapter 39

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"We need to get up." Tyler said poking my cheek
"No." I groaned and turning around to face the other way
"There is a farmers market this morning." He said pulling me into him
"No. Its to cold." I said trying to use his warmth
"But you love going to famers markets. You love getting fresh veggies and fruits." He said knowing me very well
"Make the snow go away." I whined still trying to get closer to him
"I know that there is a great hole in the wall coffee shop that is by it." He said as I opened one eye
"How great?" I asked
"Great enough that I will start having them ship us coffee beans monthly." He said with a laugh
"You promise? You know I am particular about my coffee." I asked sitting up and looking at him
"Would I ever lie?" He asked as I laughed
"Yes you have." I said remembering the cooking fiasco
"Only because I didnt want to hurt you feelings." He said watching me get up and change
"The chicken was black." I laughed
"But it was still good." He said with a wink making me roll my eyes
"It better be good coffee to get me out of that warm bed." I joked leaving him alone to go get breakfast

"Well look who it is." Sydney said as I walked in
"Good morning to you too." I said confused grabbing a coffee mug and filling it up
"I hope there is not another hole in Tylers wall." Chloe said making me choke on my coffee
"What?" I asked looking at them with two huge grins covering their faces
"Ohhh Tyler. Yes Tyler." Chloe started to awkwardly moan
"You should be happy our parents room is downstairs and on the other side of the house." Sydney said as I rolled my eyes
"I dont get how you guys went like three rounds." Chloe asked as Tyler walked in
"Who went three rounds?" He asked walking in and taking my coffee
"You and Charlie. My my brother I didnt think you had it in you to make a girl you know three times." Sydney said winking
"And now we will be staying in a hotel until Sunday." He said taking a sip and dumping my coffee into the sink
"We were going to ask you to come with us to the farmers market and now we arent." I said embarrassed by the situation
"Babe come on." He said wrapping an arm around me and taking me to his garage
"You both were saying that last night." Chloe yelled as the both laughed

"I hate your sisters now." I said as we pulled away
"It is kindof funny." He said cracking a smile
"No its not babe." I said smiling and not trying to laugh
"Oh I think it is." He said now laughing
"Whatever." I said now smiling with a small laugh

"This is so cute." I said as I picked up a woven bracelet
"Lets get one." He said wrapping his arm around my waist
"Just one?" I asked looking up with him
"Fine two." He laughed pulling out his wallet to pay
"I got it babe." I said stopping him while digging around my purse for my wallet
"Too late." He said taking back the change and guiding us away
"I think I want to make dinner tonight." I said making him pause
"Not chicken right?" He asked as I rolled my eyes
"No. Lasagna." I said walking over to fresh tomatoes
"Yes." He said quickly and excited
"Wow so much excitement." I laughed gathering fresh ingredients
"Babe. I love your cooking and your lasagna and waffles are my favorites." He said pulling my back into his chest
"Its Tyler Holt." Some young boy said behind us making Tyler pull away
"Hey buddy." He said kneeling down and signing some random napkin
"Mom I told you he would be here." He said excitedly looking between his mom and Tyler
"You sure did." She smiled at his excitement
"How did you know bud?" He asked with his famous smirk
"Because it is always posted on instagram and twitter from followers. You always go to the farmers market in Dupont Circle in Washington DC on the Sundays you are home. Your girlfriend is alway with you." He said almost jumping up and down
"Well thats not creepy." I whispered under my breath as I turned around to finish finding stuff at this booth
"Can I get a picture with both of you?" He asked making me turn around
"Why with me? Hes the famous one." I laughed
"Cause your pretty. Duh." He said laughing
"Dont be stealing my girl." Tyler pretended to be macho
"He probably could." I laughed getting down at their level
"Thank you." He said before walking off with his mom
"That was mega creepy. People know what we do on the weekends now. I wouldnt be surprised if they knew where we lived." I laughed paying this booth before going onto the next
"They probably already know. Good thing we are going to move to a new place. Where do you want to go?" He asked as we walked hand and hand to the next booth that looked interesting
"I dont know. I dont know if I want to do another apartment. Maybe like a town home or something a little bigger." I suggested as I finally found a pasta place
"Consider it done." He said with a smile
"And its walking distance away from coffee and the metro for work." I also added in
"What else princess?" He asked sarcastically
"We get a dog." I said seriously as I found the lasagna strips
"Fine." He said like it was no big deal
"Fine." I smiled as we payed and went to the coffee shop he was talking about earlier



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