Chapter 7

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I groaned as I heard beeping and saw a bright light.
I finally got my eyes open and notice I was in a hospital bed
"Fuccckkk." I said looking around a trying to pull the IV out of my arm
"Oh no you dont." JJ said coming into the room with a coffee and stopping me
"Why am I here?" I asked still disoriented from waking up from a deep sleep
"You overdosed." She said as tears filled her eyes
"No I didnt only addicts and suicidal people do." I said defending myself
"Charlie hunny you did. Abby found you passed out on your bedroom floor. You had an empty bottle of Oxy, two empty baggies of cocaine and two empty bottles of alcohol next to you." She said holding my right hand
"No I only had six pills and a baggy and a half. I never had the full bottle of pills." I said quickly defending myself
"There were twenty pills in the bottle. You took all twenty." She said as I started to freak out
"No I didnt." I said still not believing it
"The person who sold it to you turned himself in and said there was twenty pills." JJ said wiping the tears falling from her face and mine
"Im sorry for taking you away from work. I will be fine you can go." I said pushing her away from my mess of my life
"I told my boss he knows. Mom does too and is on her way." She said still holding my hand
"Why Char?" She asked knowing I should give her the right answer
"I was raped before Thanksgiving. Chase found me in the alleyway where it happened and he saved my life. A week before I came home for Christmas I found out I was pregnant. The guy who raped me was a member of the same club as Chase and found out. He slipped me the date rape drug and beat me until I lost the baby." I said recalling everything I remembered and the full truth
"Why didnt you tell me?" She asked with tears falling down her face
"Because I had it under control until Christmas when people were comparing me to you I snapped and did coke for the first time that night. Ever since then I been doing coke. I use it to calm my nerves and it became an everyday thing. Ive always smoked weed that shouldnt be a surprise." I said feeling relieved I opened up
"We are going to get everything fixed ok." She said before our mom came in
"An overdose?" She said confused seeing me
"Thats what I keep being told." I said dryly
"In the last 48 hours you managed to overdose." She said sitting on my left
"48 hours?" I said confused
"Youve been asleep for a day." JJ said confirming it
"Wheres Abby?" I asked remembering her briefly trying to wake me up
"Shes in the lobby freaking out." JJ said looking at mom
"Did she get you into drugs?" Mom asked as I nodded no
"Was it that Chase guy?" She asked getting the same answer
"I did it myself." I said looking at JJ to not tell
"I need to call Matt and give him an update." She said walking out of the room
"I wont say anything until you want to." She said leaning back in her seat right when Will came in
"Hi. Im Charlotte." I said remembering we never really met
"Im Will." He said sitting besides JJ as she rested her head on his shoulder
"You have saved my life twice now." I laughed
"It seems I might have." He said with a smirk that made JJ blush
"Will can you grab me something other then water please?" I asked knowing I needed to talk to JJ alone and he nodded and left
"You love him." I said once he left
"We barely started dating." She defended
"Oh but I can see it." I said smiling at my smitten older sister
"See what?" Mom asked coming back in
"JJ is in love with Will." I shrugged as she sat on my left
"You are going to rehab and moving back with me once you get out of here." She said getting to the point
"No. Im not going to rehab and Im not moving back home. I have friends here and a life here." I said looking to JJ for help
"You will finish college online." She said still going on about it
"Well I cant." I said knowing I needed to tell them
"Why?" JJ asked now concerned
"I got kicked out because of grades." I said making it seem like I didnt care
"I cant deal with this anymore Charlotte. First your addicted to drugs and almost overdose and die. Now you are telling me you got kicked out of school cause of grades. Its probably because of all your low life friends you have." She said before walking out and passing Will and Abby who heard everything
"Your not a low life." I said seeing her with tears falling
"I will see you tomorrow." She said backing up slowly and I just nodded
"Move in with me." JJ said knowing I would say no
"Dont do it for me. Do it for yourself. It will be a new area with new people. Start over you are only twenty one and its almost your birthday. Dont spiral out of control this young." She begged
"I cant. Jenn this is who I am. I need to smoke and drink. I need to calm my nerves with coke." I said sounding stupid that I was putting drugs over my life and my relationship with my family
"Ok." She said standing up and walking out crying
"I have only interacted with you four times. The first you had cocaine pulled out of your pocket. The second was in the same night and I was peeling you off the floor in a biker bar. And the third was me peeling you off your bathroom floor a few nights ago. And the other night when you were unconscious with a weak pulse in my arms. You need to change your life. I dont care how you do it but it is putting Jennifer through hell because you dont see the damages you are doing to her or your family." Will simply said before leaving to follow her

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