Chapter 12

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"Are you crazy?" JJ asked once we were in the car and started driving away
"I will move with you to DC." I said making her pull the car over and park
"What?" She asked like she didnt hear me
"I will move to DC." I said again playing with my hands
"No drugs?" She asked as I looked up at her
"No drugs. No alcohol." I said looking out the window trying to not lose it
"Alright. We will stay here tonight and go to your apartment tomorrow and move you out." She said getting back on the main road to go to the hotel

The next morning I felt awful. I was use to taking at least two pills and some coke with my coffee but this was my first morning not having any.
"You feel ok?" JJ asked with only an hour left of the trip
"Ya. Just have a headache." I said knowing it was way more then a headache
"How much did you have a day?" She asked concerned
"I would wake up have some pills do some coke and drink coffee before work. By lunch time I think I would have at least seven pills and half a bag. By night time all together 17 pills and a full bag." I said surprising her
"How do you afford it?" She asked knowing it would cost a fortune
"I started sleeping with Mike. He would buy it all for me from another dealer and would bring it over at night and leave it on my pillow the next morning." I said knowing it would not make her happy
"Well while we are moving you out we are going to flush everything. No hiding it." She said skipping everything I said
"Will is coming to help too. He should be getting the rental truck right now." She continued which took me by surprise as I just shrugged pretending I didnt care
"Who was the guy last night?" She asked not getting the hint I didnt want to talk
"Some guy. He plays hockey and lives in DC. Hes from Canada. Thats all I know of him." I said looking at my phone and seeing there was a text from him
*Are you going to move in with your sister?*-Tyler
*Yes. We are going back to my place to pack everything up for storage.* I responded
*I want my sweatshirt back eventually.* he responded making me smile
*You made the mistake of giving it to me.* I responded and cuddled more into his sweatshirt taking in his cologne
"He was cute." She said making me smile thinking about him even more
"He was but probably doesnt want a girl who is an addict." I said knowing it would be true
"Your not an addict. Ive seen addicts and you are willing to get clean." She said getting off the freeway
"How do you think Abby will take it?" I asked knowing it will be hard for her to lose me as a room mate
"She will be fine. Her parents give her enough money to live and finding a room mate will be easy for her." She said making me sad
"Shes my best friend." I said and JJ nodded like she knew
"Charlie living with her put you in this problem. She is friends with the wrong crowd and you fell in with them." She said knowing it was true
"And besides you will meet other people in DC." She said turning into my apartment complex

"Your seriously moving?" Abby asked while I was folding clothes and putting them in boxes with JJ
"I have too. I need to get clean before I start doing harder drugs." I said looking at JJ to give us time alone and she took the hint and left us alone
"You arent going to do harder drugs. I will watch you." She said sitting on my bed with tears slowly falling
"I said I wasnt and I started coke. Now I'm on Oxy and coke. Once those highs go away I might turn to more powerful stuff." I said sitting down next to her
"You were clean though for a month until the other night." She said as she looked at me
"No. I havent. Ive been doing the Oxy this whole time since I was released and less coke. Ive been sleeping with Matt to cover the cost of the drugs." I said admitting the truth to her as she gasped
"I could have given you the money." She said not realizing it would only fuel my addiction
"It would have made me want more. I need to do this." I said as tears started to fall more
"You can always come visit. As long as you dont bring drugs." I gave her a small smile as I stood up and walked over to my closet grabbing my bong, pipe, and left over weed
"Here. I know you have always like mine more." I said giving her all my stuff
"You know that is true." She smiled at taking it from me
"We really need to finish packing Charlie." JJ said interrupting us and seeing Abbys hands full
"Im just giving her this. I will flush the harder stuff." I said defending Abby
"Fine." JJ said allowing Abby to leave
"Where is all the coke and Oxy?" She asked making me walk to my dresser and grabbing a sock
"Here." I said giving it to her as she dumped it out and four baggies of coke fell on to the bed
"Is this all the coke?" She asked and I quietly said no and walked to my dresser drawer pulling out three more bags
"Thats all of it." I said as she looked at the baggies and me
"Ok. Now the Oxy." She said as I went under my bed and pulled out a shoe box with four bottles all with 20 pills in each
"This is it." I said placing it in front of her
"Lets flush them." She said putting the baggies in the shoe box and guiding me to the bathroom.
Slowly we dumped out the pill bottles and empty the baggies making me feel empty inside

Next chapter will be crazy. Just letting that out there now 😊

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