Chapter 24

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"So when she was five JJ and her other sister Roz talked her into jumping off a swing that Tim had to take down because of it. She cut her knee and had to get stitches. I was so mad at them that day." My mom was laughing about telling old stories to Tyler as he smiled
"I didnt know you had another sister." Tyler said looking at me realizing I never told him about  Rosaline
"I did." I said looking down at my hands than back up to meet my moms eyes
"Matt is the oldest, next is Rosaline, JJ and Charlotte. Rosaline killed herself when she was seventeen. JJ found her before school." My mom said bluntly with her eyes never leaving mine
"Im sorry." Tyler said sadly
"We all just seemed to deny everything in this family. Right Charlotte?" She said looking at me before standing up and leaving the apartment
"What does that mean?" Tyler asked once she left
"I was always denying my drug problem. I overdosed and kept telling my family I didnt have a problem and refused to go to treatments." I said as my eyes filled up with tears
"We have always denied that Roz killed her self and just kindof pushed it to the back trying to not think about the fact she committed suicide." I said as the tears now fell freely
"It wasnt your fault she killed herself. You werent even old enough to know what happened." He said wiping them away
"I know but denying is what we are best at." I said looking into his sad eyes
"Do you have a few memories with her?" He asked and a nodded no
"I was six, JJ was eleven, and Matt was nineteen and away at college. I didnt have as many moments with her because of the age difference like JJ and Matt had with her. My mom tells stories and I dont really remember much of it." I said being honest
"What does she look like?" He asked making me get up and go to where JJ had pictures hanging finding one on my sixth birthday
"This was taken five weeks before she died." I said showing him the family picture of all of us
"Everyone has blonde hair except for your dad." He laughed looking at it
"Does that mean if we have kids they will also have blonde hair?" He asked me making me look at him immediately
"Kids?" I asked confused
"Ya. Mini versions of me and you." He said calmly
"You really see me that way?" I asked not sure what to say
"Yes I do. I want to fill in my arm with your name. I want to cook you breakfast and make coffee every morning before you go to work. I want you standing front and center when I win the Stanley cup eventually. Charlotte I want you and I want to one day marry you." He said making the tears that were sadness now be happiness
"But I have a problem and I dont want to hold you back if I relapse again. You have seen me once strung out and I threw a book at you." I said looking in his eyes as they never changed from pure love
"If you relapse I will be there for you. And I am very happy it was a book and not the lamp or an axe." He said making me laugh
"We will do this together." He said kissing my forehead when my phone started ringing
"Its JJ." I said answering it
"What the hell Charlotte. I havent even been gone for a day and you already are making mom cry." She said and I rolled my eyes
"Shes only like that because I didnt tell Tyler about Roz. And blamed me and the family for denying things. She got upset and left." I said telling my side of the story
"Whatever. Just stay with Tyler for the time being until I get home to play referee." She said sighing
"How long is she staying?" I asked knowing I was never told
"I dont know. She doesnt have a ticket back home yet." JJ said making me groan
"Great. Ok I will see you when you get home. Stay safe. I love you." I said as we ended the call
"Looks like you have a room mate for a while." I said with a small giggle looking at Tyler
"Lets got pack." He said before picking me up and throwing me over his shoulder before walking to my room to pack

Short chapter but it gets the job done. Thanks for reading 😊

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