Chapter 26

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"Are you going to talk to me?" He asked walking into his room twenty minutes later
"When does JJ get back?" I asked turning over to look at him
"Not tomorrow but shes hoping the day after." He said sitting down and pushing my hair back
"You will be staying with me. Your brother is an ass. JJ even told me he was." He said with a smile
"Why is he coming?" I asked needing to know
"Your mom asked them. She wants to figure everything out." He said wiping the tears I didnt know were falling as I whispered ok
"Why is the coffee shop called Born Again?" He asked now to just distract me
"Everyone who works there is recovering from something. Drugs for me. Carter drugs and alcohol. Skylar alcohol only. Betty the owner wanted to give back to the community in a way and we are all struggling with our addiction." I said before he laid down with me
"Thats pretty cool." He said actually meaning it
"Ya. We are not allowed to talk about it when working but we can sit down after our shifts and talk to each other with how we are doing. I havent participated yet but maybe one day." I said cuddling into him
"Lets plan our future right now." He said sitting up excitedly
"What?" I asked him with a giggle
"Our future. Where we want to live, how many kids, their names. Come on." He said pulling me up with him
"No lets let life take its course and go with the flow." I laughed laying back down
"Fine. Lets got get my arm filled in right now." He said getting up and peeling me out of bed
"Tyler cant you do it tomorrow?" I asked as he threw me jeans and a vneck
"I already made an appointment for today opps." He said shrugging as I changed
"Why would you do that?" I asked slipping on my denim jacket and checkered vans
"Im inpatient." He said pulling me out of the apartment and to the parking garage

"Tyler this is stupid." I said pacing in the room as the guy got set up for him to do his arm
"No its not now get over it." He laughed
"The appointment is for two still correct?" The guy asked confusing me
"Yes. When she decides of what we should get matching together." Tyler said grabbing my hand and pulling me into his lap before I could leave
"I am not getting another tattoo. I dont even know what we could do." I laughed
"Didnt you say you wanted a sleeve a week ago when you were tracing mine during Greys Anatomy?" He asked and I nodded yes
"We can start on that today then." He laughed tickling me
"I dont think I want a sleeve yet. Maybe like a few small ones." I said shrugging and he agreed
"Well for our matching one what should we get?" He asked as the guy made a sound making me get up from his lap
"Let me see your left wrist." I told him and he showed me
"You have this small space still open. What about like a skeleton key?" I asked as he looked at me to go on
"And on my right wrist I have a heart shaped lock. Because you have the key to my heart." I said hesitantly hoping he would be ok with the idea
"That sounds perfect." He said bringing me closer so he could give me a kiss
"Alright what is your name?" The artist asked me
"My full name?" I asked looking at Tyler and he nodded no
"Charlotte." I answered getting the point that is all he wanted
"Alright. Tyler how is this?" He asked showing him my name in perfect scrolling letters that would fill up the whole small area
"Perfect. Thanks Jim." He said as he got prepped
"Can I get another one today besides ours?" I asked and Tyler smiled and nodded yes

Two Days Later
"I dont want to do this." I groaned as we got into Tylers car
"Well we have to." He said as we started to drive to JJs apartment
"Its honestly bullshit. You will see how big of an asshole my brother is." I said tracing Tylers angel/demon tattoo
"He can fight me." He said making me laugh
"Did we have to take the G-Wagon?" I asked knowing it was flashy
"I just got it finished being customized with the matte paint. Of course we did its my baby and first big purchase since signing for the Capitals." He said making me roll my eyes
"Am I not you baby anymore?" I asked
"You will always be my number one until we have a baby then you will fall to number two." He said bring my hand up to kiss as I laughed
"Im not popping out any kids soon. I would like a ring on my finger and to be together longer then a few weeks." I said as he dropped my hand and rested his on my thigh
"Well I wish we werent here but we are." Tyler said as we parked
"Ty please dont make me go in there. Babe please." I said pulling my best puppy dog face
"Sorry hun but we have too." He said kissing my forehead as someone banged on my window
"Fuck." I said seeing it was Matt
"What the fuck do you want?" I asked getting out and seeing Amber holding Jess by their car
"Who the fuck do you think you are? Making mom call this emergency meeting because you ruined your own life." He said now backing me into Tylers car as Tyler ran around to my side to help me
"Now you are slutting around. Now I see why it was called." He yelled as I started having tears fall down my face
"Hey whoa get away from her." Tyler said pushing him away
"You know shes sleeping with you for drug money right." Matt laughed as I watched Tylers shoulders move up and down from his heavy breathing
"Look I dont want any trouble." Tyler said as calmly as he could before he turned to the side to look at me to make sure I was fine
"You are not part of this drama so get in your fancy car and go home." Matt said right as JJ and mom got down to the parking lot with Amber and Jess who must have alerted them
"Hey knock it off." JJ said before it was to late and Matt took a swing and punched Tyler in the jaw making him fall to the ground
"Are you fucking stupid?!" I asked yelling as I helping Tyler stand up as he rubbed his jaw
"He has a concussion." I said as JJ opened up the back seat door and I tried to help him walk as he wobbled
"Why does he have one?" Amber asked giving Jess to mom as she ran over to help me
"Hes the Capitals new center and was the one that got hurt against the Kings." Mom said as we all saw Matts face drop
"Holy shit. Your using Tyler Holt." Matt said before a smile went to his face
"Im going to kick your ass and knock that smile off your face." Tyler said breaking out of mine and Ambers hold
"Ty baby dont." I said running in between them getting there at the wrong time when a punch landed straight on the side of my face making me fall to the ground crying in pain
"Charlotte look at me baby." Tyler said helping me sit up and I tried my best but couldnt see out of my right eye very well
"Fuck. Charlie Im sorry." Matt said as JJ held him away from me
"I think you should go Matt." Mom said kneeling down with Tyler
"Im staying." He said as I heard the panic in his voice
"No. Go. Im staying here with them. Go home. We will see you in a few days." Amber said
"I think he shattered your eye socket." Tyler said sounding like he was about to cry
"Get her in the car. So much for a peaceful family dinner to patch things up." My mom said as I felt Tyler pick me up and carry me to the car

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