Footsteps broke the silence, two pair of footsteps walking over broken glass. There was soft murmuring then the sound of the door closing.

Now that Jason is gone, I guess my room isn't soundproof anymore.

A chill ran through me.

Fuck, I don't know if I have enough energy to do this without passing out.

I put my hands on the ground, frowning when the amount of evil was overwhelming. Why are there so many...

Oh, I get it.

I understand.

This was the master plan after all.

Demons took my teacher too let me stand alone, then they turned my family against me to break me and now they're trying to overpower me. It was all just a step further into their plan to make me feel like shit and fail. The more I fail, the more evil they get to spread.

Well, forget it!

I'm not letting any of these demons ruin lives! Not until I die! I know I have Heaven on my side! I know I have life on my side! I'm strong enough to do this! If its anything Jason taught me, I am Heavens Warrior without a single doubt in my mind! And as Heavens warrior, I will not be set up into evil winning!

Grinding my teeth, and closing my eyes, I forced my energy into the ground with every ounce of determination I have. I will not let evil gain a single more soul!

I wasn't sure if it worked....

I passed out before I was even able to finish....

March 30th

"Ow!" I jumped awake. My head swayed from jerking to fast.

Fuck, what the hell stung me?

Luna was at my feet biting where my injuries are.

"What are you doing? Stop." I frowned, annoyed with Luna's actions. She hissed at me before running under the bed.

Luna?! Not you too!

"Velvet?!" I called. A hiss came from the windowsill. "Fuck."

My bedside table read 10. Which means I missed school. Its fine, the school didn't know I was coming back today, if anything they still think I'm at the hospital.

Standing up, hundreds of things popped in my head.

My feet hurt.

I need to change the guaze.

My towel is drench, from blood or water? Fuck if I know..

I need to eat.

I need strength to get rid of these demons.

There's still glass downstairs.

I need to clean everything up.

Lets try purifying Luna.

I need food.

Change, my clothes are filled with blood.

Groaning, the first thing I actually did was make it to the bathroom to pee.

I washed up, changing and properly applying medication. I looked in the mirror trying to see the damage on my back. There was a huge purple and blue bruise filled with cuts and dried blood on my back. Some blood still running...

I put giant patches to cover the wounds. Since I get injuries every which way, I have a lot of materials to help aid myself.

Next I cleaned the bathroom floor. I made a mess with the water and blood last night.

I took a deep breath, Upset and depressed that I have to deal with this. My mood didn't change at all as I cleaned up. On the contrary, when I went down to clean the mess my parents made, I broke down again. I just couldn't believe they'd do this.

After eating, I tried to see what would happen if I tried cleansing one of the cats.

I had to use Velvet since Luna hid successfully under the bed. Velvet wiggled to bit me. I held her tight, restricting her. I took a deep breath, pushing my love into her. Her behavior only got more vicious, hissing and clawing to get away from me.

I let go, she clawed my leg and ran under the bed with Luna.

"So I can't fix them that way..."

What other way is there?

I went downstairs to get any food I would need because when my parents get back, I am not coming down at all.

Taking a deep breath, I sat on the floor. Maybe I can trace Jason. He's an angel which means I should be able to feel an energy of purity? Or something...right?


I took deep breaths....

There's a lot happening...

Everything is in chaos but...not because of anything Hell caused. A lot of panicked and aggravating situations are happening. I couldn't quite feel anything different though, nothing that seems out of place. I do, however, feel small energies of evil. I can't pinpoint it though.

It must be a demon teleporting, odd, since its not leaving damage behind.

I can't kill demons from this attack. I can only cleanse what they leave behind. Which means as soon as I feel an evil, I have to act quick to make sure nothing gets hurt.

I opened my eyes and lifted my hands. The room spun slowly. Sighing, I drank water and ate an apple. That really takes a lot of energy away from me.

Nothing happened when my parents came home. I stayed in my room and kept quiet. The cats minded their business, as long as I kept my distance they stayed tamed.

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