I made it to my car and got in then drove off. My mind had a million thoughts and plans running through them. I had to think of a plan and fast. This was finna turn into war.

I arrived back at my house around 2 in the morning. I parked and got out, locking my door behind me and approached my door. Once inside I locked it and took a look at the couch. Nureila had moved. Where the fuck did she go?

I heard movement from the kitchen and I dug into the back of my pants to retrieve my glock. I moved towards the kitchen ready to pop whoever was ransacking my shit. Once I got within eyesight of the person they turned around and it was just Nureila.

I quickly stashed my glock back in my pants and shot her a smile then looked at her appearance. She'd been going through my shit since she had on one of my over sized shirts. Her hair was sprawled all over her head but she looked good nevertheless. Had that after sex look going on.

"Hey.. sorry I went through your stuff. I couldn't find where you put my clothes, so I just threw something on. I hope that's okay." she stated.

I broke out of my gaze and nodded. "You good. What you making though?" I moved over towards her and leaned against the counter.

"Just something light. Maybe a bacon, egg, and sausage sandwich. Want one?" she asked.

I nodded and she shot me a bright smile then continued what she was doing. I enjoyed her company and she really took shit off my mind. I pray she could cook as good as she looked.

When she finished she placed the sandwich in front of me and awaited me to bite it. I picked it up and took a big bite. I was hungry as fuck. She watched as I chewed and swallowed it. I cleared my throat and and locked eyes with hers.

"Eh, could be better. You should've seasoned these eggs better. Fuck you used salt and pepper?"

"That's all you had stoopid." She pushed her finger into my head as she spoke. I quickly grabbed her arm and pulled her into my chest. She looked up at me and her face was flushed in a pink hue.

"Uh.. um.." She stuttered. I moved my hands towards her ass giving it a slight squeeze. A light moan escaped her lips making me raise my eyebrows. Knew her horny ass couldn't resist me. Her panties probably soaked right now.

"Y-you can't d-do tha-t that." She uttered out. She placed her hands on my chest to try and move from me but I didn't budge.

"I'm not going anywhere lil mama." I wanted to play this game out and see how far I would take it. I was about to try something else until my phone rang.

"Fuck." I cursed out as I let Nureila go and dug into my pocket to answer the phone.

"Wassup with it?"

"We found him nigga." Zane said. I instantly gave him my undivided attention. I moved away from Nureila so we could have some privacy.

"Where that nigga at?"

"Over there on Vance and 4th."

"Bet. Get the guys together. We finna roll out."

I ended the call and turned around to find Nureila still in the kitchen. I shrugged and headed out the door, locking it behind me. I wasn't finna tell her my business. Fuck I look like? I reached my car and got in, heading back towards the trap.

When I arrived all my niggas were ready to ride out for me. Zane threw me a glock and I examined it. It was a glock 17 painted jet black. Zane knew the type of shit I liked. I shot him a smile and stood before my crew.

"Let's get ready to shed some blood."


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