"Oh yeah, well lets see. I guess I'd say I'm like the glue of my Team, strong and sturdy. My dream is to be the strongest I can be to save as many people as I can good or bad. I think everyone deserves a chance at a better life. To do that I have to kick ass and take names, which I have been doing my whole life. Since I was 1, I've been training every day to get stronger and smarter so I can save everyone and bring peace alongside my friends and family. I have support to help me on my journey, my team; my friends: Lady Seiko, Shikamaru, Choji, Shino, Kiba, Lee, Gaara, and Tenten; my family: Shisui, Neji, Hanabi, and My dad; and those I've lost: the Uchiha clan, Itachi, Haku, and my mother. All of these people have aided me in becoming a kick ass Kunoichi and will keep aiding me in the future." I finished and there was a crowd gathered around us, all of the Genin were listening Intently. My friends were staring at me in awe and love, Gaara looked shocked yet pleased that I mentioned him as a friend, and Kabuto was watching me with that strange interest like yesterday. It was super awkward with all the gazes on me so Anko called everyone's attention to explain the rules.

"This test consists of an anything goes battle to get your hands on these scrolls!" Anko said, pulling out 2 scrolls, one with the kanji for heaven and one for earth. "You'll be fighting to get both, a heaven and an earth scroll. All together there are 26 teams, half will be going for the heaven, and half the earth. That means more than half of you will fail."

"Ok, so how do we pass the test?" Sasuke asked, well more like demanded. Anko smirked causing many of the Genin to shiver and look worried. Anko finished explaining the rules and point of the exam, I could feel the blood thirst rise among us, people were itching to kill, and a lot of it was directed at us rookies.

"Oh, and one more thing, this test has a time limit. You must finish it within 5 days." Anko stayed silent, letting that digest in our minds for a minute.

"5 Days?" Ino and Sakura screamed out.

"What are we supposed to do about food?" Choji asked our worriedly, his eyes wide. I smirked, I packed a lot of ration bars to eat and survive on. Anko and Kabuto tag teamed, telling how the forest has lots of food to find, but also lots of deadly alternatives. Yep, make everyone more fearful. Shikamaru raised his hand, eyes lidded and huffing in annoyance.

"Soo...um lets say we're halfway through the exam. Can we quit?" He drawled out. Everyone who didn't know Shika gave him incredulous looks. I had to turn my head away to hide my laughs of amusement at his laziness. Only he would think that, I can see him just sitting down, right before being attacked and giving up, going to sleep.

"In the middle of a battle can you just say 'sorry I quit?' No, you will end up dead." Anko said, annoyed at the absolute laziness of Shika.

"Great... this is going to be such a drag." I walked over to Shika and wrapped my arm around his waist, smirking up at him.

"Stop being such a lazy ass, you know you're smart and can finish this exam easily." Shikamaru grunted and shut his eyes, placing his head on top of mine and shutting his to relax before going into the forest.

"Mmm, same to you, just... just don't die out there troublesome woman."

"Eeh, you know nobody here can kill me." I could feel the eye roll coming from him, he buried his face in my hair and inhaled, then grunted before he let go and walked away. I went to each of my friends, wishing them luck. I made it to Gaara, and we had an awkward stare down. To end it, I hugged him, getting no hug in return, just a happy vibration from his sand bracelet. I wished him luck and made my way back to my team, not noticing the multiple pairs of eyes following me, and Gaara's mutter of 'mine' under his breath as I left him. I finally returned to my team, Naruto was animatedly telling Sasuke about all the he's going to kick. Sasuke replying with short answers or taunts, they seemed content and almost happy to converse with one another. We sat on the ground, taking strategies while everyone got their scrolls. I decided to give Naruto the scroll, nobody would expect the dead last to have it, its perfect. And this time, Sasuke cant hand it over to Snake man. We were so engrossed in the conversation, I didn't notice the presence near us, until the person's shadow covered me, blocking out the sun. I looked behind me, and almost jumped away, there was the Grass Nin aka Orochimaru. He eyed each of us, his eyes basically glittering when they landed on Sasuke. I saw his eyes rake over y form, interest sparked in them. I don't doubt Kabuto said something to him about me.

Reincarnated: A Bunny to A LionWhere stories live. Discover now