Growing up wasn't exactly easy for Ray. His parents, well Mr and Mrs. Lewis are the exact epitome of a narcissist. They have this obsession for their business to the extent of forgetting their role as a parents. Although they are pretty successful in what they do. I mean they have branches over the world. But still they don't believe in handling their business to other people. It's like they are married to their job.

Ray was always left to take care of himself. They were only around for business purposes. More like he grew up on his own. He has all the mansion to himself. Cars and all. His parents believe with all those money and materials things. He doesn't need their attentions. They are one of those people who believe money is the solution to every problem.

"What if they really are here for you now?" I try convincing him.

"Really?!" He questions sarcastically. "You were there the whole time. How can you say this?"

"Ray I get it. They were..." I trail off thinking of a not so offensive word to describe his parents with.

"Doodlebugs." He says half smiling.

I chuckle. "I'll go with that."
"What I'm saying is they made mistakes and now that---"

"It's too late. I feel like I don't even need them anymore." He interrupts my speech. His phone buzz and he utters some distinct curse words before picking the call.

He says more like growl at his mum.
"I made myself clear when I said I wasn't ready to have this conversation."

"Honey, I was just thinking maybe you could come pick us at the airport."  Kylie replies ignoring Ray's angry tone.

"No."  He reply without giving a second thought. Kylie was quiet for some moments before speaking up.

"I know there's a lot too talk about." Her voice was soothing. "Incase you change your mind. I will give you a call after lunch."  She hung up.

"What? Stop staring at me like it's my fault."

I chuckle "She's willing to make it up to you. I think you should go. It will only give you time to tell them exactly how you feel. They need to know how their action is affecting your life. They are your parents and you can't keep hating on them forever."

"Someone must have order an inspirational speaker today." He jokes.

I keep a stern look. "I am serious."

His eyes darts around with a thoughtful glance "I will think about it."

"Plus if you look on this bright side of this. Your parents aren't just working their butts off. They are doing all this for you. You're their only child."

"Don't try to convince me."

I smile "Is this a yes I am going to the airport."


I come face to face standing in front of him.
"Please." I tug my bottom lips out.

"Stop doing that." He says half smiling.

"You mean this." I tug my bottom lips out blinking at him.

My Secret Crush {EDITING}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt