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Sinister POV (I'm so dumb, I need more of Sin's pov, I promise I will do more!!)

The past weeks I've kept her in the cells, and today I'll be using her for a mission.

True she has suffered but that's fine as long as she's alive. Every night I have been in the cells hidden in the shadows looking at her.

Just watching her the whole time, until eventually she falls asleep.

She wouldn't eat she would just sit down the whole time and think, a slight feeling crossed me and it was more like, regret, I hate when that one feeling comes to me.

I don't feel and I never will but that is the most annoying fucked up thing to deal with, but I get rid of it with drinking, I don't drink a lot but i do to get rid of the regret.

She used to say things to herself and she was dead, mentally, it doesn't come to me but I just check up on her at night.

Cutting my thoughts I looked at her.

There she stood in the outfit, I missed looking at her body, her face was like an angel but she was still a bitch.

"So what am I doing today?" She asked, as we made our way downstairs.

"You will be capturing a men, your spying on him and need to get his attention, this is him" I show her a picture of a man that has disrespected us and killed our workers.

"Like an assassin? seduce him?"


"How do I get his attention?"

"He comes to you, most ladies throw themselves at him and you won't do that, just sit and wait"

"What if he doesn't come?"

"He will"

We get in the SUV and head to the club where the fucker was at.

Natalia POV

This is it another mission/job. I will get the man for them, and I don't know what else, but this is my life now.

I did kinda miss Satan, he wasn't as harsh like he used to be but still heartless, I still haven't seen stephano but I hope I will soon.

Stephano POV

It's been a while and long enough since I've seen Natalia, I do miss her and i haven't been showing up much anywhere with sinister.

I have been busy with work also, I've met a girl, not like what anyone thinks but she's good, we aren't dating just "friends" well at least for now.

I haven't developed feelings for her but I know soon I will, I haven't told anyone about this not even Sinister because I don't want to.

It's more like a secret between myself.

Now I'm on my way to Sinister and Natalia, I can't wait until I see her.

Natalia POV

Satan gave me pepper spray and another chemical spray, so the guy can pass out and they'll take him.

I got down and made my way into the club, I spotted the guy at the back of the room surrounded by men.

I ordered a lemonade as a beverage, just to go with the "mission".

After a short while I caught him starring at me but I flipped my hair to make it look like I didn't care.

Minutes later I  find him sitting next to me.

"You like lemonade?" He says and I turn around to face him.

Of course I do why the fuck would I get it then? To torture myself with something I don't like.

What a stupid question

"'s quiet refreshing" I add a brutish accent because I can.

"England?" He asks

"Yes" i smile and take a sip of my lemonade.


Can he hurry up I want to go

Actually I have an idea

"I guess I'll be on my way" I stand up ready to leave, I can see Satan looking at us.

Just then the guy pinned me down on the counter and doesn't care to see the fact that we're in a club.

"Leaving so soon?"

"I lost interest" I want to get his filthy hands off of me.

We made our way to the back of the club where the man was sitting from earlier.

While no one was looking, I saw satans men in disguise and took it as my cue to spray him and leave.

I quickly took out the pepper spray and sprayed his eyes then grabbed the chemical one, the men carried and took him for Satan.

I took it as my cue to walk out.

"Good job" he states.

"Thanks" I say and it's weird everytime we talk we never look at each other.

"Where's stephano?" I ask

"There" we see his mustang pull up and he walks out with a pair of shades, and smoke.

"Stephano!" I run up and hug him.

"Natalia, I missed you" he hugs me tighter.

"Why didnt you ever come to see me?"

"Because Satan is fucked and didn't let me"

"Have you been having coke without me?"

"Nope, I saved some for you"

"Yay!" I try not to scream.

I loved him.

Someone tell you bout my bestfriendddddddd

"My bad for interrupting your reunion, Natalia needs to go back to the house and I need to talk with you stephano" Satan announces.

Boohoo he always has to ruin the day

But I still haven't cried....yet

At least I lasted one day without Satan making me cry

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