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Natalia POV

I'm exhausted from all the drinks I've had, I still haven't done my job, but soon I will.

Satan was dressed in a expensive suit, the suit hugged around his biceps and muscular arms perfectly, he chose the dress for me and I'm quite impressed, he has a good taste in clothing.

I will admit that I have some type of feelings for him, actually I do, I like him, I enjoy his presence, even thought he has nothing good about him, I still like to see him around.

His a bastard, meany, rude, a dick and a psycho.

I like him, what can I do.

Right now we were dancing, he really does know how to dance.

"Look who lied about dancing" I looked up at him.

His so tall and handsome

Bitch shoosh you won't saying that months ago

"It's not something I usually do"his voice is stern

"I can see that, why don't we do twenty questions"

"What's that"

"We ask each other ten questions and answer truthfully"

"Fine then, ask"

"Where are you from"I start off

"Italy, born here"

Ohhhhh this whole time his Italian

"Your turn"

"What is your biggest wish for yourself" it took him a while to ask.

"I wish that one day, ill be free from here back in my small home and have a family with my true love" I answer honestly.

"True love" he roars in laughter

Ops forgot his heartless

"What about that?, you don't believe in love?" I try to  question him.

"Of course I don't, love is shit it's fake, there is no such thing as love" he looks me in the eye.

" of course you think that because your a heartless bastard" I'm upset in my drunken state.

"For once your right, look at the world we live in, it's fucked, love is just a word nothing more, you really think one day you will find love, listen carefully, your believing in a lie" his words came out harsh.

I feel my eyes start to tear up.

"Love is real and it's waiting for me!" I try not to yell.

He bends down to my face, our eyes locking.

"Natalia, love is fake, there is no such thing as love, look around you, have you seen it before, you will never find love, it ends up with you dying alone" he was a monster.

A fucking monster!

Everytime I'm around him he makes me cry, he was right, I should never be near him.

I move myself away from him, he allows me to go and I walk to the girls bathroom.

"I don't believe him" I wipe my tears away, with a tissue and touch up my make up.

"Your mascara is too expensive to cry" I say to myself in the mirror.

I'm not sober so all this I'm feeling is because I'm drunk.

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