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Sinister POV

The rest of the night I did nothing, my men have been prepared to be in disguise once we arrive at the party, Incase something happens.

I sent a dress to the maids for Natalia to dress in, it's a blood red silk, cost me around two hundred. She better be ready for her next "job".

I get home and have a talk with the men before I get in.

"Trevor" I call out and he rushes up to me.

Trevor was one of my good men, I've known him for a while maybe years, all that matters is that I know him well enough and he does his job.

Also because I've seen many times of Natalia going up and annoying him.

"Yes boss"

"I need you to keep an eye on Natalia once we're at the party, for certain reasons, if she does anything call me" he nods his head.

"Ofcourse" he bows and goes to the other men.

I walk in and get myself ready, in a navy suit this time, but what's fucked up is that, my tie.

I never know how to do it, usually the maid folds it and leave it on the bed with my clothes.

I guess I'm just like Pape, he always gets ma to do it and she does it for me sometimes.

This shit is a pain in the ass.

I rip it off my neck and throw it back on the bed.

Fuck ties

Trying to calm myself down I go to Natalia's room and see if she's ready, she better be ready otherwise I'm taking a prostitute.

I walk in without knocking, I own the place, well not technically it's pape, so I can do as I please.

As I opened the door I layed my eyes on a woman in a red dress, her black locks layed on her bare shoulders.

As she turned around, her eyes were lined with black eyeliner making her blue orbs pop out.

Her lips were painted a dark red, a blood colour.

She looked like an angel.

I want to fuck her so bad

I was so distracted by her beauty I didn't realise that I was starring at her.

"Are you ready" I say blankly.

"Yea.. just have to put the heels on, by the way thanks for the dress" she says blankly as if she's dead.

You killed her... mentally and emotionally

She doesn't seem happy

Of course she doesn't

I remembered that I have a necklace for her, it had a voice recorder in it and I had to give it to her.

I walked up to her and she looked scared.

"Relax, I- uh have something for you"

Her eyes stay written in fear.

I get the box out and take the necklace out of it.

"This is for you, it's not a gift it's just... for you, it has a voice recorder in it for reasons.." I remove her black locks and clip the necklace.

"Ofcourse why else would you show up giving me a thousand dollar necklace" she looks taken back.

I ignore her and walk out, everytime I try to do my tie it untangles.

I hear clicking heels, it was Natalia, we should be going now. I left my tie undone because I can't be fucked.

I get out of my room and see Natalia standing with her arms crossed.

"Nice tie" she chuckles and I roll my eyes.

"You want me to tie it for you?" She asks.

"Fine" I'm not going looking like a mess.

Mean while she does it quickly, I don't even thank her. We get into the limousine and stephano is with us.

"I see you have a date" Natalia smiles at stephano, referring to the whore next to him.

She smiles at everyone .........accept me

Why would she smile in the face of a man who ruined her... life

I make everyone hate me, that's what I do and I don't give a fuck

Soon we arrived, I have a chat with my men before sending them off in different places, for protection.

I walked back to stephano and the girls were with him, I take Natalia and walk in.

"What am I supposed to do" she asks

"Your supposed to get information from the Russians"


"Go near them not to them, since they speak their language that's what the recorder is for" I say and she nods

"Why do I have to do the job"

"It's your job, do not question me"

"Fine" she rolls her eyes

And yes she still has that bitchy tone

That I kind of like

"Stay next to me" I order her

"Why? Aren't I supposed to do my job"

"Yes after we walk in and meet people, that's when"

"Why can't I do it now?!"

"Shut the fuck up, this place is very dangerous, so I suggest stick by my side" I whisper in her ear and she just nods her head.

"Mr De Luca!" I guy shouts and rushes up to us.

"Mr Fuentes" I shake his hand.

"I see you've brought a beautiful date" he lifts up Natalia's hand and kisses it.

"Thank you" She says to the man.

The rest of the night we were greeted by many people, a few announcements were made, and Natalia has been next to me the whole time.

She's been getting drinks from the bartenders and is drunk. She's been getting drunk lately aswell and drinking a lot.

"Would you like to dance?" She asks skipping up to me, drunk.

"I don't dance" I look at her.

"Everyone dances, you can't be that boring" she crosses her arms and pouts.

"I guess I am" I run my hands through my hair.

"Mr De Luca, May I ask for you to dance with me" she puts her hand out.

"I don't see any girls asking men to dance with them"I chuckle.

"Will you" She snaps.

"I don't dance" I repeat in a rough tone.

"I'll find someone else then" she skips off, I quickly snake my arm around her waist and pull her to me.

"One dance"I puff out and after that, she will do her job.

Sinister ✔️Mafia Series: 2Where stories live. Discover now