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Natalia POV

Weeks have passed by and I think I'm slowly liking Satan, I don't want to but I do somehow.

I still want to leave but I know that will never happen.

Satan hasn't been here in days, his still mean, angry and a bastard, but I can't stop thinking about the night he helped me out, after my hands were cut.

My hands were fine now, I just had scratches, not too bad.

Stephano has been coming around, and everytime I ask why isn't he around often, he says that there's lots of work and he's busy.

Dad still doesn't like me but it's okay.

I've learnt how to deal with everything, I've had some training on how to fight, weapons and physically, Incase.

I've been doing my jobs but I'm not happy , I have no one and I'm lonely.

I hate to say this but I'm depressed, and it isn't nice, I feel so bad for people who deal with it.

I've also learnt that the De Lucas are a big family, huge in fact they run almost every big factory here, their also well respected and very rich, of course.

Sinister POV

"It's tomorrow night" I say to stephano, we were talking about the party for the mafias and gangleaders they meet up and shit.

I have a huge roll since I'm the son of the leader, and next in command.

"I know, the Nikolaevs are there" he said reffering to the Russians, which haven't left us alone since decades ago.

"Shit, I know, I have an idea"

"Go on" I insist

"The Russians are there, I'll take a girl and make her flirt with them or some shit, she will have a voice recorder in her jewellery and get all the information we'll need then we translate it"

"Good  I'll grab a prostitute as a date, you take Natalia"

"What? No I'm not taking the bitch" I really don't want to take her she's so annoying.

"Just take her it'll be fine"

"No, she's gonna fuck everything up, as usual"

"Like you said the Russians, she's good at what she does, and she'll get what you want"Stephano persuades me.

"I don't-"stephano cuts me off

"Just do it, fucking hell take her, and we'll see how everything goes"

"Your lucky Im listening to you, but know if she ruins anything, I'm shooting her" I say out of anger.

"Relax, just be a gentlemen" he winks

Kill him

"Vaffanculo!" (Fuck you) I say as we make our way to the main floor, for some check ups.

She's been at the mansion for months and I can't believe I haven't got rid of her yet, but I have to admit she is quiet good at her job.

I haven't seen her in days and I don't want to see her any sooner. Ma and Pape will be back in two more months, thank god ma is back to normal.

I have been doing well running the mafia, when your used to it, it isn't that bad, I know Pape will be proud of me.

But when he comes back Natalia will be gone, I don't want him thinking I have a girl, and I love because I'm not, and I never will.

And it's gonna stay that way.

She will either be selled as a prostitute or stay working for us. I have given her so much shit that she doesn't deserve, like a room not a cell, her eating whatever she wants and not a disgusting plate of food we give to the people in the cells.

I hope she is grateful for her wealth.

Also I haven't felt anything towards her, since that day I helped her with her hands, I've been away from her, I don't want to be near her, she's too comfortable around me.

She should be scared, obey and respect me.

I know she's broken and all her hope is gone, i know about her past, her ex, she's adopted. Also that I have ruined her uncountable times, I admit she's strong.

Taking my thoughts back I think...

Now I have to take her to the party, how? you may ask, well let's wait and see.

I swear everything would have been better if you took a prostitute

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