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I hated the way my body looked at times, and this was one of those times. I had PMS and I was bloating like a bitch, not the mention my boyfriend Jake, well now ex boyfriend decided to break up with me four days ago before our two year anniversary. The funniest thing was his reason for the sudden break, I need someone who is going to have time for me. Like dude, I'm sorry I can't be your booty call when you call me at 3am drunk after ignoring me for several hours or that I have to work and don't live off mommy and daddies lawyer money.

I honestly didn't even understand how we started dating, I mean I do of course, it was because of my friend Hope who set us up. It wasn't supposed to be anything long lasting, I mean after three dates we hooked up and didn't speak for weeks. Everyone thought he was ignoring me but it was really me who ignored him. He was attractive in the high school jock way, he couldn't hold much of a conversation outside of the latest vines, and breast. He was tall and very muscular but when it came to the bedroom he left a girl disappointed a lot more then satisfied. But I still tried to look past it, he was sweet and thoughtful at times but he was known for breaking promises and I'm pretty certain he cheated multiple times, but I didn't care despite everyone assuming I did. So staying with him was easy because I didn't enjoy being alone so he was the filler at time. But after the first year it was a routine with us, every Friday we would go out, Saturday's we stood in and Sunday we would go to the movies. Nothing was ever exciting or spontaneous.

I quickly learned he was ashamed to be seen with me too much, that was the gift he gave me weeks before our break up. His phone was left in my house accidentally and I went snooping of course. His friends thought we were only a hook up thing, and he had girls left and right on his phone, none of me of course. I scrolled through his messages and realized he would tell everyone I was just a pity fuck. Oh how great! Meanwhile every time we did have sex he was moaning my name and begging me to tell him who's pussy that was. Yet I was the pity fuck? That was laughable, but i wasn't surprised. I mean I wanted to be but I deep down I wasn't.

My phone rang bringing me out of my own thoughts.

"Heyyyyy guys". I said as my two best friends came on to my phone screen.

Hope: "What's up bitch. We just heard about you and James break up.
Trisha: "fuck him, he's a dick head anyway".

I laughed at Trisha's remark. "I'm fine hope really it wasn't a big deal. It was bound to happen, we weren't working."

Trisha: "well you need to get that sexy ass up out those frumpy pajamas and come out with us tonight."

"I can't guys, PMSing hard right now, so I'm a just shower and cozy up with my Netflix. Maybe go drive down to the market and get some ice cream." I said biting at my hangnail.

Hope: "ohh boo you suck."
Trisha: "Thankfully mines just left so I'm a be getting under someone tonight hopefully. There's supposed to be some prime celebrities popping up tonight."

"Well have fun girls, I'm a go shower." I said.
We said our goodbyes and I placed my phone on the charger on the corner of my nightstand.

After my shower I felt much more better.
I unwrapped the towel from my head releasing my now crazy curls. I turned the blow dryer on and began the long process that was to drying my hair.
After about 30 mins i was finally finished, I had put my hair in two French braids and headed to the living room. I got in my comfortable spot and wrapped myself in my mermaid Snuggie and started flipping through Netflix for something to watch. I decided on some weird foreign thriller as I waited for my dominos to come. I hated being alone at times like this but had to just suck it up now. Here's to starting over huh. The movie began to start when a ring came from my phone, I checked who it was and none other it was James. I declined the call. I continued to watch the movie as I waited for it to get more interesting, I hated movies like this but I didn't want to go searching for another 20 mins for a movie. I then received a text message. I knew who it was from. I lazily opened my phone.
Jake: I know your home watching Netflix's, please answer me. I'm sorry babe. For everything.
I left the message open and I just went back to this oddly boring movie. I couldn't take it , I began to look for another movie on Netflix to watch, it took only about another 10 minutes I finally came to a old classic I liked Pretty In Pink.

I was so deeply into the movie, I was at the part where she was saw her crush come to her job and he was about to ask her out when my doorbell rang. I paused the movie and walked down the small hallway to the front door. I grabbed the cash of the end table by the front door and opened it.

It was Jake. He stood there standing with a pint of ice cream and chocolate. I hated how much he knew me. I couldn't help but smile.
"Peace offerings?" He said shrugging his shoulder up and giving a half smile. I hated how cute he looked in his black pullover hoodie and dark faded jeans. His hair was a curly mess.
"You broke up with me, yet here you are with peace offerings. Jake do you use drugs I should know about?" I said folding my arms to my chest and wrinkling my nose up.
"Ella give a guy a break. I fucked up, I was drunk. Are you gonna let me in? The ice cream is melting?"
He said getting slightly irritated.
I stood there looking over at him, as he uneasily stood waiting on an answer. The ice cream was beginning to run down his hands a little.
"Fine, only because I want the ice cream and chocolate. But we ARE NOT back together." I said opening the door more and allowing him inside.

He came inside, kicking the door shut and heading towards the kitchen as I went back to my spot on the sofa. The bell rang.
"It's dominos, the money is on the table by the door. Pay em, be useful." I shouted over to Jake as he closed the freezer. I heard him laughing as he walked to the door. About a few mins later he came back with the small pizza box and wig box on top.
"Mmmm smells amazing." I said as I sat up Indian style on the sofa. Jake looked over at me and he smiled, showing that amazing smile that I hated that I enjoyed at times. He placed the boxes on the coffee table and he opened the boxes one at a time. He handed me a slice and then took one in his mouth and sat next to me.
"Pretty In Pink. Sounds good." He said as he took the remote and pressed resume.
We sat in silence watching the remainder of the movie after eating. I began to find myself getting sleepy, god I hated being a girl in these very moments. I found myself dozing off here and there.

"El, come here." Jake spoke as he rest his arm on the top of the sofa.
"No." I said quickly.
He sighed and turned to keep watching the movie.
After a few more minutes I felt my eyes get heavy and I just couldn't keep them open anymore. As I was slipping into a slumber I felt his arm wrap around me as he shifted me to his chest. I was to tired to fight him off and if I was being honest I kinda liked it at the moment. I heard his phone ring lowly and he quickly picked up.
"What's up bro? Yeah, no I'm staying in tonight. Yeah-yeah man I'm with Ella. Trying to fix it man. Na we ain't fuck dude. But I'll talk to you later bro." He hung up and locked his phone. I then felt a warm kiss meet my forehead. That was a first, he never did that.
But before I could question anymore I slipped into a deeper slumber.

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