Chapter 20

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Anna's P.O.V.:

Outside there is even more people. Ricky grabs my hand so he doesn't lose me and helps me walk.

We walk to the chairs outside but people are making out.

"I don't feel like sharing saliva with them, what about you?" He asks. I shake my head.

"Let's go." He says and leads me back inside, grabbing a bag of cookies on the way.

We walk upstairs towards Jc's room.


We climb through a window and here we are. Jc's little star gazing spot. A mattress is placed there with a few blankets on it.

I sit down and wait for Ricky.

"This party is crazy." He says.

"I hate it when a lot of people are near me. Especially drunk people. It feels like the walking dead." I say.

Ricky chuckles. "I feel the same way, just a little less, uhm bloody. I don't like blood."

I smile. "That's what I get from watching stuff like that, sorry." I laugh.

Ricky pulls me back so we're looking at the stars.

I sigh. "This reminds me so much of the fault in our stars."

"Yeah, I read the book on audible. Jc told me you like to read?"

"Yeah, I got into reading when I was in a bad place. I was bullied and everyone called me fat and so on. I wanted to escape but I've never really wanted to hurt myself so I jumped into different girls and became different heroes by reading."

He turns to me. His lisp slightly worse now that we're laying down, making me fall for him even harder.

"I kind of did the same with youtube. I was a nobody at school." He opens the cookies and stretches his hand so I can grab one.

"No, thanks."

He looks at me sassily. "Girl, you need a cookie." He says.

I laugh and grab a cookie, biting into the sweet chocolate chip dough.

"You know Ricky, I really like LA. It's like a new start for me. All of my old high school friends still laughed at me in London when I'd walk by."

"Why did they bully you?" He asks me sincerely.

Nobody actually asked me that, ever. I don't know how to respond for a second.

"If you don't want to talk about it.." He starts but I cut him off.

"No, I want to tell you." I smile and he smiles back.

"They bullied me because I'm fat and I am ugly." I respond after quite some time of staring into his eyes.

"You're not fat or ugly." He says.

"But I am." I say while sitting up and hugging my knees. I feel bad about myself now and very selfconcious.

He gets up. "You're not. Don't listen to people, people are toads."

"Nice pll reference." I sigh. " But Ricky people have told me my whole life. Why would they lie?"

He moves closes and lifts my chin. "Because people feel bad so they make you feel miserable too. You're beautiful just the way you are. Don't change for anyone." He says. I smile at that, a lonely tear on my cheek. I wipe it away.

"I want to change for myself. I want to feel better for myself." I say, meaning it.

He nods. "But please don't ever again say you're fat or ugly or another mean comment for that matter."

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