Chapter 15

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Anna's P.O.V.:

I get up early to go for a run. I always run on weekends. In the week I just do insanity. Really intense but I need it.

I get in a stretchy nike tank top and some nike running shorts. I put on my free runs and put my hair up. I didn't drink that much yesterday so I'm not hungover.

I walk past Jc on the couch. Nash left early to go to Melody. Lia is still in my bed and Cam is with Lucy.

After a quick apple I head out the door, drinking the last of my water and throwing it in a nearby trashcan. I head towards the beach and run along the shore.

I run under a small pier nearby and look at the peaceful water from there, just resting. I sit down under the pier and just relax. I love this secret hide out place.

After a few minutes of resting I continue running and head back home. Listening to some of Ricky's songs and also 5sos.


I brush my hair after a quick shower and get into my pjs again.

I run very early and sleep some more afterwards but today I'm feeling better and more awake. So I just watch some tv on our new tv. Jc is awake already, pouring himself some coffee.

Lucy bought the tv on her first day at target. She's been making enough money just like me.

I'm sort of saving up to buy an IMac. I don't know , maybe I'll get one, maybe I won't. I need to get a bike or a penny board before I get my dad. I also seriously need to get the new sims when it comes out though.

I zap through the channels but nothing interesting is up so I just put on Nickelodeon while watching some youtube.

"What time is it?" A very sleepy Lucy asks after she has stumbled in.

"About 8, why?"

She groans and gets back to bed.

I laugh at her and want to go out to target to get some groceries. I put on some strawberry shorts and a white tank top. Just wearing my black converse I head out.

Jc is sleeping again.

While I go hunt for fruits and veggies I get a mail from the magazine a work for.

My next topic is talking to boys.

Wow what kind of subjects are these. They're so dumb and useless. I sigh, work is work. I better get good at this job so I can go higher up and finally get to a good magazine. And then become a writer or something. I need to worry about my future.

I walk home. I want to get a bike or penny but not everything is opened this Sunday so I can't really go to a bike shop.

I take my keys and open the door to find Lia and Lucy inside. Cameron and Jc on the couch.

"Hey, I just brought some groceries."

"Did you buy cereal?"

"Of course." I grab the box and throw it to her.


"You owe me for the 7 cereal boxes you ate this week! " I threaten her and laugh.

"I also brought some doughnuts." I throw a pack with ten doughnuts on the table.

All four get up and grab the doughnuts.

"Anyways we're going shopping." Lia grabs her purse and Lucy her phone and money.


"See ya!" They yell and close the door.

I put away the groceries and grab myself the salad I bought. After Jc and Cameron leave I sit down and start eating the salad slowly. I browse through twitter while doing this, reading Ricky's tweets.

He says he's going to the beach.

Maybe I should go find him?

I walk to the balcony and look at the beach. I see a lot of people there since it's a beautiful day.

He could be there.

Ricky Dillon could be there.

Ricky P. Dillon.

I sigh. I shouldn't go.

I don't want him to think I'm a stupid stalker or something. I sigh and walk back to continue eating my salad.

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