Chapter 10

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Anna's P.O.V.:

After a long day of editing and working on my part of the magazine I finally got to go home. I got some money and left.

Sigh, I love this job. I get money for writing .

I open the door to find Lucy inside.

"What are you up to?" I ask her.

"Not much, I'm just on my laptop, looking at some videos."

"Alright, imma get changed and then we"ll talk."

"Kay! She continues browsing the web.

I change into my pjs and walk in to the living room. "What should we do?"

"I don't know. Maybe we should get together with Nash , Jc and Lia tomorrow."

"Yeah, maybe a water park or something?"

"Yeah, I've always wanted to go to a water park in the U.S.A. Ours are so lame in London."

"Talking about London, shouldn't you call your mom?"

"I should ask her to send me my stuff. I want my games."

I laugh, you always do. I open the fridge and get myself a plate of leftovers from yesterday. I made some chicken filets and potatoes.

I heat it up and sit down with a glass of water at the kitchen counter.

"My books should be here soon. I don't know when but my aunt is back already. I guess Monday, I don't know if post offices work here in the weekend."

She shrugs and gets up.

"I'm getting some cereal."

I sigh and laugh. "You only eat that cereal! How can you still be so thin."

I know I have to work out and eat healthy to keep my figure.

"Fast metabolism, I guess." She shrugs.

"Yeah, mine is even worse than Shane Dawson's, pfff."

"You look great." She smiles and munches on cereal.

I finish my plate and get up to wash it. Lucy throws her in too.

"I'm not washing that!" I say.

"Me neither."

"Then eat cereal from another bowl that isn't one direction!"

"Alright, I'll wash it!" She bumps me with her hip and laughs.

"Ouch, haha."


The next morning I get up later than expected and am meted by Lia, Jc and Nash.

"What? Lucy, what time is it?" I wipe my eyes.

"Twelve o'clock. I took your phone, you have to learn to sleep in!" She says.

"Okay, I'm getting dressed." I say and walk back into the room, everyone laughing at my duck pjs.

I put on a flowery bikini and a flows dress. I grab my phone and money, put them in a small purse.

"I'm ready guys." Jc is eating Lucy's cereal. I laugh.

"This is the best cereal ever, what are you laughing at?"

He high fives Lucy and spills a bit of milk on himself. I bust out in laughter and continue walking towards the fridge. I get some yogurt and sit down.

"Why are you being so healthy?" Nash asks.

I sigh. Might as well tell them now. " I used to be really fat and then when I decided to come to LA I started losing weight. I'm still very selfconcious about myself. "

Everyone is silent, the only thing I hear is Jc crunching away on his cereal.

"Anyways, I'm still not happy so I'm still being healthy."

Nash nods and smiles. "I think you are perfect the way you are." He tries to take my hand as a friendly gesture but I pull away.

"Thanks Nash but I don't think I'm perfect. You haven't seen me before so yeah."

"Let's go!" Lucy interrupts.

I turn around and follow, looking away from Nash's eyes filled with concern and confusion.

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