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"The body they just found," detective Martinez says. "Yes my cousin Brea Louis went missing six months ago," I said. 

"Wait I know about that case let me call the detectives handling that case," detective Smith says. 

"Do you need anything to drink or eat you or Diamond?" detective Martinez asks.

"Um, just a bottle of water," I said. 

"Sure," I said. 

She then walks away to get it. 

"Alright, that was the detectives that are in the case they said they would like you to come to their office to talk," detective Smith says. 

"Thank you," I said to detective Martinez she hands me the bottled water and the report I asked for. 

"We will be in touch we about the case against your mom," detective Smith says.

"Okay thank you," I said. 

I grab Dime by the hand and we exit the station. 

Along the way, I call Ty and inform him about what's going on he tells me that he will take a cab and meet me at the station. 

Dime and I finally arrive at the station. 

"Hello, I'm Tiffany Lewis detective Smith called here to tell you guys about the Brea Louis case," I said to the guy at the front desk. 

"Ms. Lewis right this way," a detective says. 

Before I walk towards him Ty walks in "Tiff "he says I turn around and we hug he picks up Dime "go ahead we will wait over here" he says.  

I proceeded to the detective. 

He introduces himself as detective Duncan.

We have taken me to his office he's a middle age guy white man he's very polite and holds my chair in for me. 

"Thank you," I said. 

"So Brea Louis is your cousin," he asks"Yes sir," I said. 

"Where is her mother," he asks "she's around but she's coping with her daughter being missing," I said.

"Understandable," he says. 

"Um is there any leads on her is the body they found her," I asked "well we have to find a way to identify her through DNA the body was badly decomposed and we are waiting for the autopsy," he says. 

I begin to cry and he offers me some tissue "how long will always this take " I asked "maybe a couple of weeks or a month" he says. 

I cry even harder I knew it wasn't my hormones I am really torn apart about this because she was family we use to be close and I wish I had more time with her. 

My mind wasn't really prepared for what I said and asked next "is it possible I could see the crime scene photos to see if I anything could help identify her " he looked at me kind of shocked. 

"In all my 25 years in homicide families rarely asked to see crime scene photos but if you insist sure but prepare your self it could be gruesome," he says. 

He leaves the room for a second them returns with a folder. 

He sighs when he sits down and I open it. 

Even though it looks like bones I just sort of knew it was her. 

"Where was she found," I asked " at a trash dump," he says. 

I cried "she wasn't trash, " I said. 

"I know, " he says. 

I made it in my mind that if this was her and I hoped it wasn't then I already knew it was Ronnie that did it. 

"Are you working my cousin's disappearance case or just the case for this person?" I asked " I'm officially on your cousin's case," he says. 

"Then there is something you should know if this is her then I know who did it," I said. 

"Who, " he asks "Ronnie Johnson, "I said.  

"Thank you I'm going to check and see if there is a file or something on him,"  detective Duncan says. 

He exits the room for a second. 

Minutes later which feels like hours he returns back with yet another file. 

He sits down and says " well it looks like Mr. Ronnie Johnson has a long rap sheet he was back and forth out of juvie and bounced around from foster home to foster home ." 

I've never known that about him Paris never mentioned that maybe Ronnie never wanted to speak about it. 

"So what could you tell me about Ronnie, " he asks me "well my cousin Brea is pregnant by him," I said. 

"Oh ok do you know how far along she is," he asked " I don't sorry but I do know his girlfriend Paris Thompson, " I said. 

"Do you have a phone number or address for her?" asked "yes I do I can write it down for you" I said. 

He gives me a pen and paper and I write down all her info and her job info. 

"Thank you so much for being helpful," he says. 

Before I could say something another detective knocks on the door and enters. 

The female detective asks to speak to him detective Duncan gets up and leaves the room. 

I text Ty and tell him what's going on. 

Detective Duncan comes back with a folder I know it must be bad because of the look on his face. 

He sits at his desk and sighs. 

"The medical examiner isn't dome with her autopsy however what she can tell us so far is that she was a teen between 15-18 years old and she was indeed pregnant early stages, " he says. 

From that moment I knew that it was Brea, she fit those descriptions it was her it would take a miracle for it not to be. 

"It's her isn't it," I asked " no I mean we don't know that Ms. Lewis please I want you to have hope, " he says. 

My phone keeps going off and I know it's not Ty so I check and see that it's Paris. 

I answer and put it on speaker.  

"Hello, Paris what are you calling me for," I asked " I'm sorry about your cousin," she says.  

"What," I said before she hangs up. 

"Could you trace that number?" I say giving detective Duncan my phone. 

He takes it and rushed it out the room. 

Moments later he tells me "follow me" I get up and follow him to some creep ass room that has a whole bunch of computers. 

"We found the location of the caller sir," some nerdy guy with glasses says he must be a hacker. 

But that's besides the point they could possibly have a lead. 

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