War on Bitch

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Ty's P. O. V
The next day me and Tiffany and Dime go to our lawyer's office.
Attorney Jennifer Walkins.
Her dad was Ronald Walkins he was the best attorney of her time he wins 90% of his cases.
Majority of them were criminal and some were civil.
Now his daughter was a lawyer.
For family court. 
Let's see how this goes.
"Hello, Ms. Lewis," Jennifer says shaking Tiffany's hand.
"Hello, "Tiffany says.
"Hello, sir, "she says reaching for my hand.
"Hello, ma'am, "I said shaking it.
"Hello you must be Diamond," she says.
"Hello Dime," says. 
"Dime wait outside go sit in the chair where you can have my phone," Tiff says.
"Um, I'm going to wait out there with her," I say.
"Okay, babe Tiff, "says.

Tiffany's P. O. V
"Okay Ms. Lewis I've read over your case so tell me your side," Jennifer says. 
"Alright, my mom kicked me out months ago," I say.
"Alright, what made you decide to take Diamond," she says. 
"I get a call from her saying she needs help," I say. 
"Then what," she says.
"I went to our mom's home and asked Diamond what happened she told me my mom's friend touched her," I said.
"Did you contact the police?" she asks.
"I didn't," I say.
"Why not, "she asks.

"My main concern was getting my sister out of the house I wasn't thinking about the next step," I say.
I begin crying.
"I'm sorry to upset you it's just that your mother could say that you were lying it your word against hers and there's no concrete evidence, "she says.

"What about Dime can't she testify to that or Ty he was there," I say.
"I could try to get the judge to let her testify because its family court however she's a little young to be put on the stand and as far as that young man he and you are involved with each other right," she says.
"Yes what does that have to do with anything," I ask. 
"Your mom's lawyer could say you guys are conspiring against her, in other words, lied and used Dime for your selfish interest to get her from your mom," she says.
"But I'm not I went to protect her," I say.
"I'm sorry but I need something," she says. 
"What about her drug and alcohol abuse," I say.
"That wouldn't help in your defense they could put her in a group home, "she says. 
"I can't let that happen," I say. 
"Is there anything else?" she says. 
"Ummm there is but I don't want Dime to know," I say. 
"What is it, "she says. 
"Diamond is really my daughter however I don't want her to find out I say.
If that is true the court is going to order a DNA test which is sort of rare but happens and I will try to get you temporary custody until the results come back" she says.
"Okay," I say.
"However if she is yours you are going to have to prove to the court that you could provide for her," she says.
"I can," I say.
"Do you work?" she says.
"Yes I
I think for a moment I haven't been to the club in months I'm probably fired and I get strip pregnant I say
"I'm looking for work," I say.
"Alright that's fine where are you living," she says.
"With Ty that young man you met," I say. 
"Alright that's a start you have to find a job fast," she says.
"Okay," I say. 
"Is she in school?" she asks.
"Yes and I never miss any of her doctor appointments," I say.
"Seems like you have been her mom for a while she just doesn't know it, "she says.
"Yes, I've taken care of her since birth my mom is only legally considered her mom do you think I have a chance at winning this," I say.
"In my opinion yes but that just my opinion right now it depends on the judge your case isn't set to start til a month from now so, for now, focus on taking care of Diamond and finding a job you are doing fine I'll call you if anything happens, "she says. 
"Thank you so much, Ms. Walkins," I say.
"No problem," she says. 
As soon as I was exiting through the door she says
"Oh, Tiffany," she says.
"Yes," I say.
"Tell Diamond the truth soon in court this might come out I don't want her to find out at court she deserves the truth if anything," she says and smiles.
"Alright I'll tell her to thank you," I say
I exit through the door.
"What happened," Ty says.
"Well, I told her everything she thinks I have a good chance of winning," I say.
"That's good why do you look like you are going to cry," he says.
"Because she says I have to tell Dime the truth before it comes out in court, "I say.
"Tell me what Dime says.
"To tell you that we are going to watch your favorite movie tonight, "I say.
"Really Frozen," she says.
"Yeah," Ty says.
"Yay, "she says.
We leave the office building.
As we are heading home.
All I could think about is. 
How am I going to tell Dime? 
I guess now or never.
"Dime," I say.
"Yeah," she says. 
"You know how you say you wish I was your mommy," I say.
"Yeah, "she says. 
"Well guess what, "I say.
"What, "she says.
"Well, I am your mother, "I say. 
"I know, "she says.
"You know," I say. 
"Yeah I heard you and the lady talking, "she says.
"How," I say.
Ty had a call so he stepped away.
"So I went close to the door to listen I heard you say you're my real mom," she says.
"I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner, "I say. 
"Its okay I'm glad you're my real mom," she says. 
"Really," I say.
"Of course," she says.
"I love you Dime," I say.
"I love you more she," says.
"Hey what about me," Ty says.
I kiss his cheek.
"Ewww," Dime says.
"Satisfied," I say.
"Of course," Ty says.
I'm kind of glad Dime heard the convo because I really didn't know how to tell her
I guess its good she was being noisy. 
Now a piece of weight has been lifted off my shoulder.
Now I just have to win this court case.
And deliver healthy twins. 
That would make my life feel somewhat complete.

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