Strippers' Paradise

809 21 2

Tyshawn's P.O.V

Woke up this morning to this bitch I met at the club still in my bed y'all know what imma do wake this bitch up an make her leave.

Imma player but only because I don't love these hoes they ain't shit all I want is the pussy or head nothing more.
"Ayo bitch wake yo ass up you overstayed your welcome, "I say.
"Who you calling bitch nigga" unknown bitch says.
"Get yo ass out my house my bros coming," I say
"Werd can I meet them," she says.
"Hell naa bitch you only met the bros if you are my "girl and besides your a thot, squally, hoe, slut, a trick to get out, "I say.

I don't feel bad for going ham on this bitch but she needs to get the fuck out my house asap...

This bitch finally got the memo she got her shit and left finally I got my place clean an then I heard the doorbell ring I hope it wasn't that bitch again.

I get my clip ready to blast this bitch.

I open my door.
"Bitch didn't I say leave-"
"Chill bro it's me T put that shit away from "my bro T he's been my bro since second grade he always has my back.
"Oh shit the bad bro I thought you were this bitch I had in my bad I swear her ass didn't know how to leave," I say.
"Bro its cool I swear you need to leave the hoes alone having hoes ain't what's up no more, "T says.
"Shorty wasn't my hoe she was just some bitch I fucked a once in a lifetime thing if she was my hoe she would have got more privileges, "I say.
"Whatever nigga anyway tell me you coming with me and the bros to Playhouse Strip tonight I heard they gonna have some nice bitches there," he says.
"Isn't your ass in a relationship shouldn't you be with your girl?" I say.
"I'm single now so you know what that means you rolling up or naa," he says.

Every day I swear I roll up but it never is my own products.
"I'm going tonite it better be some bad bitches, "I say.

Tiffany's P.O.V

I and Paris are on our way to Playhouse Strip I'm typing nervous but I know I got this.

We pull up an there is this big black guy
"Paris what's up who's your pretty friend, "he says.
"Sup this is Tiffany is Denzel back there, "she says.
"Yea he is sup Tiffany," he says.
"Hello," I say.

We go all the way to the back I see people already started getting drunk an shit.

We made it to the owner's room.
"Hey Paris this must be Tiffany how are you," he says the owner is so fucking cute he looks like a legacy from the new boyz but taller he got dimples an a fade.
"Hi im good," I say.
"So strip right now, "he says.

I do what I am told.
"You got a nice ass and tits your hired imma need you to work tonite," he says.
"thanks, "I say.

Paris leads me to the changing room when we walked in it smelled like weed and hot coochie ohh lawwdd.

Paris hands me this pink string one piece bikini I put it on with some pink-red bottoms she then hands me a drink "it's your first night I know you're going to be nervous "she says.
"Thanks again Paris. "

We walk up some stairs to where the stage was.

Tyshawn's P.O.V

I and the bros are here at Playhouse Strip these bitches look tired out then my boys Ronnie's girl Paris comes out on the stage she's cool and shit but I want something new after she gets off the stage the announcer announces there a new girl named "Tiffany "coming on to the stage. She comes out looking like an urban model I make my way to the stage no funny shit I almost had to fight my way up there niggas was being thirsty she made that ass clap I could tell it was real cuz I'm used to seeing these fake bitches with these fake ass but this girl right here had something different about her.

I don't think she's like these other bitches.

Tiffany's P.O.V

After I was done on the stage I went to the changing room to change them I went upstairs to find Paris.

I hear someone call my name.
"Tiffany, over here "I see its Paris I make my way to here when some man grabs me he looked old enough to be my grandpa I pull my self away from him.
"Hey Paris," I say.
"Let me introduce you this right here is Ronnie this is Chris this is T this right here is Tyshawn," she says.

Instantly I see something in him that says player an that is something I don't need in my life.
"So Tiffany what are you doing the rest of the night," Tyshawn say.
"Going home an going to sleep I made my money so now done. "

I say.
"Really I was would come back to my place," he says.
"Really why would I want to go home with you," I say being a little rude.
"Cuz we both know that we both wanna fuck," he says.
"Boy get yo life I don't wanna fuck you I don't even fuck know you-you're, not my man so bye Paris are you ready to leave, "I say.
"Damn shorty you ain't have to say all that to him," Chris said.
"Bro she violated odde "T said.
"Ms. Tiffany right why you say all that to my man," Ronnie said.
"Cuz he was talking to me like I was some hoe when I'm not just because I strip don't name me a hoe it just means I'm using what I got to get what I want," I say.
"Ayo Paris you never told me your friend was a philosopher," Tyshawn says laughing.
"Whatever Paris I'm leaving I'll just take a taxi, "I say.
"Wait, "Tyshawn says.
"What do you want," I say.
"Just take my number before you go," he says taking my phone and storing his number.
"Really," I say with a smirk.

I take his phone and store my number.

Then I'm out.

Tyshawn's P.O.V

"Paris, why your friend so cold-hearted," I ask.
"That's none of your fucking business, "Paris says
"Damn Ronnie get yo girl man," I say.
"She's only like that because guys like you play her so she's tired of it so I don't blame her an why do you care your master of the hoes," she says.

Paris was right but Tiffany seemed different when I met her she wasn't like all these another hose I don't know what it is about her but I like it.

Read my other works pls

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