Chapter 36

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Xander watched Serah pace. Such a creature of pure beauty, his wife. They could offer him every woman in the world and he would only ever desire her.

"Tristain is working on bringing a few of Xavier's generals to our side," she explained. "What if they turn on him? What if he doesn't make it back?"

"I don't think that your anxiety will make him any safer," Xander pointed out gently. "You should stop worrying. It isn't good for your health, Serah."

"Well, aren't you concerned?" Serah interrogated. He sighed and gave her a weary look. Yes, he was concerned. For her. Tristain was setting up the safe house. He would be in no danger at all. Even if he had gone to see the generals, Xander had every faith in his advisor.

"Of course I'm concerned," he murmured. The hunter stood and took her arms in his hands. "But you need to trust that he's alright."

Serah sighed, lifting her gaze to meet his own.

"How are you feeling?" Xander asked. His hand cupped her cheek gently.

"I'm fine. I mean, I'm tired, but I'm fine," she reassured him. The hunter pulled her close to him and smiled into her neck. Serah gasped as he swept her up into his arms. "Xander,"

"You should rest if you're tired," he pointed out, walking towards their bed. "Really, Serah, you shouldn't overwork yourself."

"You're acting so strange," The girl murmured. She carressed his cheek with a delicate, loving touch. "Usually you push me until I'm exhausted. Suddenly you're treating me as if I'm a glass vase."

Xander pressed a kiss to her cheek.

"I worry. Humor me, princess," he told her. Serah pouted and pressed a finger against his lips.

"I'm not as fragile as I used to be. I'm a frightening vampire now," she pointed out. "I killed a demon general all by myself, remember?"

"Yes, you're terrifying," Xander reassured her. He hugged his wife, pressing feather light kisses against her neck. Serah squeaked and giggled. "I'm so frightened. Whatever will I do if you ever become angry with me?"

"Run," Serah promised him. He laughed.

"I'll keep that in mind," Xander teased her. His princess flipped them over and grinned down at him. He held her securely, supporting her weight with his hands on her hips. Serah carressed his cheek.

"I have a surprise for you," she whispered. She leaned down to kiss him softly. "I'm pregnant."

Xander had already known, thanks to his little experiment, but he was delighted all the same. He laughed and pulled her down to kiss him once again.

"Let's go out to the country estate. We haven't left on our wedding tour yet, and I don't want your father to catch wind that we've concieved again," Serah murmured.

The hunter paused and sighed. He couldn't hide the truth from her, even if it escalated into a fight. He placed a hand to her cheek.

"I have something to tell you," Xander said seriously. She frowned down at him.

"What is it?"

"Tristain isn't talking to the generals. He's organizing a safehouse for you," he answered. Serah sat up abruptly.

"A safehouse?" She demanded. "Why?"

"I can't let anyone hurt you, Serah. Things are too dangerous here," Xander explained. "You'll be safe if my father doesn't know where you are."

Serah stood and held her arms.

"Will you be there?" She asked softly. The hunter slowly shook his head. She pressed her lips together and walked to the window. Xander sighed, following after her. He wrapped his arms around her waist. A small sob left her lips.

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