Chapter 8

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"Serah!" Marco called. He ran to her and threw his arms around her enthusiastically, grinning. Serah smiled and embraced him. She was suddenly aware of how filthy she was, how messy her hair was. "How did you... I had no idea you were coming."

"Neither did my parents. My carriage was attacked, and this man guided me the rest of the way," Serah told him, smiling widely. She turned to Xander. The hunter looked uncomfortable, standing off to the side. "Xander, this is my cousin, Marco. He's Italy's crown prince."

Marco took Xander's hand and shook it.

"It is a delight to meet you, sir," he said. Xander nodded and cleared his throat.

"I'll be leaving soon, your Highness, now that Serah is safe with her family," he told the prince. Marco scoffed and clapped him heartily on the shoulder.

"Nonsense! Stay for the party tonight, my friend," the prince said. "You've all but earned it."

Serah took her cousin's arm and smiled at Xander.

"He's right, you must stay. Please? Just until the night, and then you can go," she begged. He didn't miss that her voice faltered on the word "go".

"I suppose," Xander relented.

"I'll arrange a guest suite for you," Marco told him. If possible, the hunter looked even more uncomfortable. Serah bowed her head as the prince looked at her. "And a bath for you. You smell awful, cousin."

Serah laughed as he led her off, leaving Xander looking after her longingly.


Xander was pacing around his new "guest suite" -- which was bigger than his cottage-- when a page came for him.

"The king and queen would like to see you, sir," the man said. Xander nodded and thanked him, following him from the room. He felt so on edge in this damn castle. It was filled with rich nobles who looked at him like he was something nasty in their chamber pots.

He nearly collided with one of them and stumbled back. Xander looked up into the black eyes of the man.

"Sorry, my lord," he said quickly, though the words disgusted him to say. The man grinned at him.

"No trouble," the noble called back, his eyes glinting. Xander followed the page into the throne room. He bowed quickly, avoiding the king and queen's eyes. He felt so dreadfully out of place.

"You may rise, Xander," the queen called. The hunter rose, looking at her. She was a very beautiful woman, with long black hair and green eyes. However, she tensed as soon as he met her gaze.

"We are extremely grateful to you for returning our neice to safety," the king told Xander. "Whatever compenstation you would ask for, we will provide to you."

The hunter found himself shaking his head.

"None is needed, your Majesties," he found himself saying. The king raised his eyebrows.

"Are you sure? Surely the journey was difficult, and we can provide anything you would desire."

"Serah is very dear to us," the queen admitted. "Having her here, safe, is a blessing."

"No compensation is required," Xander repeated.

They stared at him, disbelieving.

He ducked his head into a bow.

"Thank you."

Xander turned away, eager to return to his room. The black-eyed man passed him on his way out of the throne room, head held high.

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