Chapter 10

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"What do you mean, we have to go back?" Erik exclaimed, turning away from the vegetables he was chopping. Or, trying to chop. He had mangled them more than anything.

"Something changed. Serah is going back to the house, she doesn't know!" Flynn told him, fidgiting anxiously.

"She doesn't know about Caos. But how do you know she's going back?" The older brother replied. He returned to cutting up the vegetables. "Caos was hunting for her when she left, and you said she was safe then."

"Mom's gonna die, Erik," Flynn whispered.

Erik jolted, slicing his hand.

He cursed and held his bleeding fingers.

"You've always been morbid and creepy, Flynn, but this is a new low," he snapped, glaring over his shoulder. "Why would you say something like that?!"

"Because I saw it, Erik, I saw Mom die!"

"What's going on in here?" Axel demanded. Their uncle walked into the room, raising his eyebrows when he saw Erik's bleeding hand. "I'll get bandages. Lyanna!"

"Listen to me!" Flynn demanded. "We have to go find Serah and save Mom!"

Axel grabbed a dish towel and handed it to his older nephew.

"What are you on about? Serah's-"

"Caos is going to get her!" the younger boy cried, grabbing onto their uncle. "Please, we have to get back to the house!"

Lyanna slipped into the small kitchen with a bundle of bandages. The young, silent woman took Erik's hand in her own and begun binding his wounds.

Axel walked over to Flynn, kneeling in front of him.

"I'll go and check. You two need to stay safe with Lyanna," he told him. "I'll bring your sister if I find her, alright?"

"Alright," Flynn finally relented. His shoulders slumped, and he slipped away quietly.

Erik frowned, clutching his now bandaged hand. What was wrong? He'd essentially gotten what he wanted, hadn't he? Axel would be able to get there faster without them in any case.

He looked down to see his fingers trembling.

What had he seen? What had changed?


Serah ducked into the cave, pulling the last of their supplies out of the storm that rushed down to the earth. She shivered and held her arms tightly. She was soaked and freezing now, the icy raindrops clinging to her clothes, hair, and skin.

"I really miss the inn," she said as she turned back to Xander. The hunter was checking his weapons for any damage. "It's really too bad about the horse."

"Well, he went lame. Better for him to live free for his last few days," he replied. Serah looked to the side. The horse hadn't gone lame. Xander had simply turned it loose, but she couldn't understand why.

He was avoiding looking at her now. She frowned.

"Xander, do you think someone is following us?" She interrogated. The hunter sighed heavily and finally met her gaze.

"If someone is, it will be easier to lose them in the woods. It's just a precaution," he replied. She sat beside him and rested her head on his shoulder.

"You're always so paranoid," Serah murmured. She traced her fingers over the back of his hand gently. Xander rested his head against hers.

"I just want to keep you safe, Serah," he replied. Lovingly, she looked at him as if he was everything she had ever wanted. His eyes found hers. She was beautiful. Xander couldn't believe that it had taken him so long to notice it.

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