Chapter 5

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The town was crowded and noisy. Serah looked around, wanting to go everywhere at the same time. It wasn't like Xander's village, no, there were happy people everywhere. Countless stalls, performers, singers: Serah wanted to see it all.

"Stay close. It's easy to get lost here," Xander mumbled. He took her arm tightly, searching for an inn. She glanced at his hand. Couldn't he relax just a bit? Serah shrugged him off and looked around again. "Serah."

"You should relax. It's not as if we're in any danger here," she chided him. Xander sighed and took her hand in his, lacing his fingers through hers.

"You're like a child. Good God," he muttered. Serah smiled triumphantly as they walked through the town. Occasionally she would make him stop to sample goods, or listen to a passing street muscian, or watch a performer. Xander seemed determined not to enjoy himself, but Serah knew better. He wasn't annoyed, he just refused to have any fun.

He never let go of her hand.

At least, not until she approached a shop that marketed itself as a fortune-teller's residence. Xander released her and sighed, handing her a small coin bag.

"Here. I'll meet you in the inn later," he told her. Serah took the bag and frowned.

"You made such a fuss about staying with me, and now you're abandoning me?" She asked.

"I'm bored, princess," Xander said. "Don't get lost or hurt. I didn't come all this way for nothing."

With that, he walked off.

Serah held the small bag close to her chest, sighing sadly. He was so mean. She glanced back at the fortune teller and slipped inside. Immediately, she coughed at the stench of the heady perfumes. The scents of countless herbs and mixtures made her dizzy. Perhaps Xander had had the right idea. She coughed again discretely and brushed a curtain of colored beads out of her way.

"Hello there, young girl."

She peeked in to see a beautiful woman seated on a mound of velvet cushions. A gently steaming silver teapot sat on a low table between the dark-haired woman and another pile of cushions. The fortune teller held out one hand towards Serah, twitching one finger towards herself.

"No need to be afraid, my dear. Come closer," she purred in a sensual, seductive voice. Tentatively, Serah approached. The fortune teller smiled a painted smile and took the girl's hand. She fought the urge to jerk it away and allowed the woman to lead her to the opposite cushion. "You do want your fortune told, do you not?"

"Y-yes," Serah mumbled. She pulled the small pouch of coins that Xander had given her into clearer view and offered it. The woman smiled and shook her head.

"No money is needed, child. Give me your hand."

Serah timidly reached out, allowing the woman to turn her palm over. She resisted the urge to clench her fist as the fortune teller traced one long nail over her palm.

"A betrayal from someone you trust awaits you."

Serah felt a surge of panic. A betrayal?

"Misfortune. Loss. Fear," the woman continued. "And a man... obsessed with you. Someone else you will come to love, someone you would least expect, who will find himself facing the wrong end of a noose.

"The answers to your questions lie in his and your eyes. Trust warily, love cautiously, and remain strong as you face your tragic life," she drew to a close. "For if you do, you will overcome and reach happiness."

Serah could feel her heart hammering against her chest. So much misfortune, so much death! She pulled her hand away, holding it close to her chest. Her silver eyes were shining in fear. She had to get out of here.

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