Chapter 31

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Serah found herself staring into her reflection's silver eyes. Unable to hold her own gaze, she tore her eyes away.

She'd killed before. She'd murdered the slavers, hadn't she? She squeezed her eyes closed and remembered.

He'd dragged her into that wagon. He'd been ready to rape her and kill her without any second thoughts. Xander's dagger had been warm in her grip even before the slaver's blood had rushed down her hand.

Serah raked her fingers through her hair. Jack was no lowly slaver. He was a clever king who had been an advisor for years. Even if Xavier was right and he was crumbling, he would be difficult to kill. And to think, if Jack would be the easiest obstacle to defeat...

Xander cleared his throat behind her.

The hunter had been cautious when he approached her at every moment, wary of startling her. The delicacy of his actions made her love him even more.

Serah straighted and gave a weak smile.

"How do I look?" Xander asked, straightening his dark leather vest. He looked uncomfortable in the new clothes, if she was being perfectly honest. Just like the last time he had worn them, he looked so out of his element that she felt sorry for him. His vest was also improperly worn. Serah stood and began to adjust it.

"Like a prince," she told him. Xander chuckled and allowed her to fix the imperfections in his clothing. "A very disgruntled prince who looks uneasy."

"It's uncomfortable," the hunter muttered, much like a small child who thought he looked rather stupid.

"Try a corset," Serah replied. "Awful things, they are."

Xander placed a warm hand over hers, concern evident though he did his best to hide it. Even though she had proposed the decision, he could tell that Serah was troubled by the idea of killing to get the throne.

"Are you sure that you want to go through with this?" He asked gently. "You don't need to, Serah, I promise."

She shook her head and rested her forehead against his shoulder.

"I'm afraid," Serah admitted. "And I feel awful. How can I ask you to kill your own father for me?

"I know that I'm selfish, but I don't know what else to do, Xander."

The hunter wrapped his arms around her and stroked her hair. His lips pressed against the side of her head. For a mere moment, Serah let herself believe that things would be alright.

"I'll come back when it's done," he promised. "Don't worry. You don't have to get your hands dirty, Serah, I promise."

"Xander, I..."

"I told you, don't let it worry you. Killing Xavier won't be a problem."

Serah reluctantly nodded, defeated. Even still, the hunter pressed a hand to her cheek reassuringly before he slipped from the room.

The girl with silver eyes wrung her hands. How could she just sit here and wait? She crossed to the desk and shuffled through the papers. There had to be something that she could do-

Her fingertips paused on a small bottle of clear liquid. Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion. What was this? Serah had enough sense not to drink it, but she did uncap the tiny glass bottle to smell the substance within. Her eyes widened. It had been faint then, truly, but she knew the scent.

This was the very poison that had caused her miscarriage.

What was it doing here? Who had acquired it, and why? Serah wasn't sure how much of a dose that had been slipped into her water, but this was surely enough to kill a man!

The Hunter's PrincessOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz