Chapter 11

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Her cheek ached.

Serah opened her eyes slowly, aware of the soft quilts and furs beneath her. She turned her head and stared at the candle that flickered in the darkness of the room. She brought her hands up.

A jolt stabbed through her as she saw that they were soaked in blood. Xander's blood.

Serah gasped, shaking as she pushed herself from the bed. Where was she? Where had the son of a bitch taken her? She rushed to the doorway and peaked into another room, one with a burning fireplace and a desk.

She had to get away from here.

Serah moved towards the door and tested it.

A sob tore from her as she found it was locked. She held her arms, crying. Xander had died, hadn't he? That monster had...

She huddled against the desk and openly sobbed, shaking. What was she supposed to do now?

Serah gasped and scrambled back to her feet when the door opened.

The arrogance that radiated from Caos was impossible to overlook. He smiled at her warmly, shutting the door behind him.

"Good evening, Serah," he said. She glared at him, remaining silent. "No words for me? No curses?"

She held tighter to her arms as Caos approached her.

"I imagine you're wondering... Why? Why would this awful man go to such lengths to whisk me away?" He asked. She wanted to run, to try and make a dash for the door, but found her feet rooted to the ground. Caos took her chin in his hand and smirked.

Serah gasped as his eyes flooded completely black, whites and all. He was a demon. He grinned at her, amused by her terror.

"I'm sure you know that the Carters have a claim to my throne," Caos told her. She shook her head, struggling to keep more tears from flooding her eyes. He raised an eyebrow. "Surely you know that your grandmother once held the throne of Hell, but no matter. To strengthen my own claim, I've deduced that I should take a Carters bride for myself.

"I did ask for you first, you know. It would have saved us both time if your parents had simply cooperated," the King of Hell continued with a cruel smile on his face. "It's really too bad that they sent your sister, though she was a bit of a ditz, wasn't she?"

Serah stepped back from him, her lips trembling as she held back tears. He'd killed Aileen? Oh God. Caos let his arm drop, as well as his smile. Now he looked irritated, and he was not a man to irritate.

"While I'll surely appreciate your silence at another time, I don't appreciate it now," he growled. Serah flinched and shook her head.

"Why me?" She whimpered. Caos took a deep breath and crossed his arms. He was clearly struggling to calm himself. He flashed her that chilling smile and offered her his hand.

"Does there have to be a reason, Serah? I cannot simply want to have a beautiful young woman from a powerful family as my wife?" Caos asked.

Serah lowered her eyes to the rug on the floor.

"And if she doesn't want to be your wife?" She asked, as softly as she could. "What will you do then?"

Caos was tense as he stepped towards her again, trapping her against the desk. Serah dared to look into his furious gaze. She began to tremble.

"Do you truly think that you have a choice, Serah?" He purred. She brought her hands up to his chest as he leaned in to whisper into her ear. "Do you really think you'll get out of this room without agreeing to my terms?"

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