Chapter 33

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Xander ran his hand down Serah's arm. She was still asleep, pressed into him with her back against his chest. The hunter stroked her hair away from her face. She was so beautiful, his wife. He smiled. His wife. Xander couldn't smother his happiness even if he wanted to. Serah was his, and he was hers.

He'd never imagined marrying before he had met Serah. Never would the old him have guessed that she would be lying beside him one day.

"Princess," Xander whispered. She grumbled and snuggled deeper into his embrace. The hunter chuckled, holding her closer against him. "Are you going to sleep all day?"

"That's the plan," Serah mumbled. "Go back to sleep."

Xander leaned down to kiss her gently. She returned the kiss lazily, blinking the sleep from her cloudy silver eyes.

"Are you going to start arguing with me again?" She sighed.

"It's too early for that," the hunter teased, "Maybe later."

Serah rolled her eyes and pulled him down again.

It was then that Erik burst into their room, looking so alarmed that both Xander and Serah were instantly out of bed.

The boy was always well-kept amd reflined, but now his dark hair was a mess. His clothes clung to him with sweat and his face was as white as a sheet.

"Erik, what's wrong?" Serah asked. Xander pulled the door closed.

"I-I-I don't know how much time I have," Erik choked out. "It backfired, he's in my head, you've got to help me!"

"Who's in your head, and what backfired? Erik, you need to calm down," She interrogated.

"Is this about that book you were hiding yesterday?" Xander added.

"It was a spell that went wrong. I stole it from Yuna," Erik gasped out. "I was trying to help you again, but it went wrong. Xander, he looks like you, but he isn't you, and... oh, God, I think I'm going to be sick."

Xander felt the blood drain out of his face so fast that it was a miracle that he didn't faint right then and there.

"What the hell were you thinking?!" The hunter demanded loudly.

"I just-"

"You just what?! Decided to be fucking possessed by the very demon who is hunting down your sister?!"

"It isn't the first time that he's sabotaged a spell. Your mother's spell wound up with you as different people," Serah pointed out. Xander breathed out heavily and raked his fingers through his hair. "We need to find out how to help Erik before he gets his body back, Xander. There will be time to be mad later."

"There has to be some way to undo the spell," Erik said with a panicked voice. "I looked as soon as I could, but the reversal isn't in the book."

"Yuna would know it," Xander pointed out.

"I stole the book from her. If we go to her, she'll know that it was you who killed Jack."

"I didn't kill him, Serah did."

Erik gawked at his sister, who shifted in discomfort.

"In any case, I won't risk Serah's safety for your guilty conscience," Xander continued. "They don't suspect that we've killed Jack. Let's go."

"I'll stay behind, so that the demons don't get suspicious," Serah offered. The hunter took her hands in his and kissed her cheek.

"Stay safe," he murmured.

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