Chapter 9

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Caos hovered outside of Serah's room. It was early, he knew, but if he could get her out into the woods, he could take her. He knocked on her door before he entered. His black eyes scanned the room, searching for the girl.

Her room was empty.

"Is my cousin here?" The young prince asked. Caos rolled his eyes before turning to Marco.

"No, your highness. I was going to take her out riding, but it seems she is gone," the king of Hell said.

Serah's cousin looked at him and raised an eyebrow.

"Do you fancy my dearest cousin, Lord Caos?" Marco asked, grinning widely. Caos watched him closely, shoving down disgust and forcing himself to think. Prehaps he could take Serah peacefully, though it was not his preferred way of doing things. He forced what he hoped was a convincing smile.

"Well now you've caught me," Caos said. Marco returned his smile.

"Prehaps I can arrange something. But I must find my cousin, my mother wishes to see her urgently," the prince admitted. The king felt a surge of anger at his words. Evelyn was going to tell Serah about him. He had to stop it, quickly.

Fortune shined in his favor as a guard rushed into the room.

"My lord, your cousin was spotted by a servant in the night. She was headed outside very quickly," he reported. Caos raised his eyebrows, thinking. Where could his elusive little bird be running off to?

"Did you question the watch on the border wall?" Marco asked.

"Yes, your highness, but they only saw  the hunter Lady Serah arrived with leaving."

"Could she have gone with him?" Caos asked. "How close have the two grown?"

"My cousin was very eager to make it here, I sincerely doubt she would willingly rush away so quickly," Marco brushed off the suggestion quickly. Caos wanted to start taking off heads. Serah did have feelings for Xavier's son. He'd seen it in the way she rushed after him the night previous, but he'd never have guessed that she would be so bold, so reckless, so daring. He coughed quickly to hide his smirk.

"And if the hunter... stole her?" Caos suggested. Marco raised his eyebrows and shook his head.

"Serah spoke of his kindness. He even refused to accept any payment for my cousin's rescue," the prince said. The king of Hell rested a hand on his sword, lusting to take Marco's head off.

"Prehaps he was a bit too kind," Caos pointed out. "I'll take my men and search for them, but if she returns, please, do let me know."

Marco nodded, rushing from the room. Caos watched as the guard followed after the prince. He sighed heavily, gripping his blade.

Now where could Serah have gone?


Xander rolled over in the inn's bed, putting his arm over the girl he loved. Serah turned over and smiled at him. She nuzzled his nose happily. He bumped his forehead against hers, watching her.

"Why is it that you never smile?" Serah asked. She ran her fingers over his lips and rested her head against the soft, feather-filled pillow. Xander leaned over to kiss her.

"Because I am an insolent, rude, poor hunter. I am mean, and a brat," he explained. Serah giggled and kissed his cheek.

"No, you are the sweetest man in the whole world. Smile for me, please?" She begged. Xander rolled his eyes and gave her a crooked smile. She sat up in delight and kissed the entirety of his face. He laughed, leaning up. Serah rested her cheek against his hands as he cupped her face.

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