Chapter 37

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"I don't understand why we had to leave so quickly," Erik muttered. "And why isn't Xander with us?"

Serah breathed out a sigh and continued to watch the countryside pass. He'd been pestering her for answers for hours. She didn't want to draw her brothers into this any more than they already were. The fact that Ezra had possessed Erik frightened her severely. To think that Xander's other half could find her so easily, it made chills run down her spine.

"You're pregnant again," Flynn stated. Serah whipped her head around to face her youngest brother. Curse him for knowing everything! "Why else would we run?"

Erik suddenly donned an extremely uncomfortable expression. He became extremely interested in the countryside, just as Serah had not thirty seconds prior.

"Yes, that's why we're leaving," Serah finally sighed. "Xavier wants me as a bargaining chip against Xander, and I will not allow that to happen."

"So why is Xander staying behind, then?" Erik finally questioned. "Doesn't he want to protect you?"

"Xander intends to kill his father himself. If Serah is even implied to be in danger, it is likely that he will not be able to finish the job," Tristain explained.

"Serah killed Jack. It's not like she's helpless," her younger brother argued.

"I only managed it with your help," Serah pointed out. "Without that poison, I'd be dead."

"Still, why can't you help with this too?" Erik questioned. "I would understand if Xander wanted you away from Ezra, but Xavier doesn't really want to hurt you, does he?"

"I don't plan to sit around and knit," she snapped. She fixed him with a silver glare. "I have to continue building my power base. Tristain, what about those generals that you were supposed to be convincing?"

"It would be risky to entertain them at the safehouse, but if you believe it would be alright, I'll arrange it," her faithful advisor promised. "When would you like to recieve them?"

"A few days after we get there. I want to be settled in," the silver-eyed girl responded.

"How can we help?" Flynn asked. She gave him a sad glance. She truly didn't want to involve them in this. "Please, Serah. We want to help you take that throne."

"Flynn can often predict things before they happen," Erik pointed out. "He's always had that ability. I believe that we could use it to gauge the true depth of the demon's trust."

Serah sighed and relented. She'd be an idiot if she went into this with half a deck of cards.

"Alright, then let's discuss our strategy."


Xander's office in Hell was lavish. It wasn't the king's quarters, of course, but he could easily fit his old cabin in the room. Even still, he felt as if he was suffocating. He was itching to finish the job, but Xavier was already suspicious of him. He had to earn his trust once again.

He let out a breath. But he didn't intend to kill the demons he would kill. He would offer them a choice- join Serah, or die. In all honesty, if Xavier wanted them dead, they likely were against him any way.

He wished that his wife was at his side. He wanted to feel her, to know that she was happy and safe and bright.

The hunter braced his hands on the desk. Just a little while longer.

"Xavier wants to see you," a demon said, entering the room. Xander rolled his eyes before turning.

"Alright. Tell him that I'll be there," he replied. "And get out of my sight."

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