#Chapter 37: Can we start over?

Start from the beginning

"Hi. erm, how are you, Jennifer?" She asked cautiously.

"I'm fine. How have you been?" I smiled.

I could see how apologetic she was. Partly, it was my fault. She has been through a lot. To find me on the floor, unconscious, it might have taken a toll on her. Tyson had told me how she miserable she was for the past few weeks while I'm in the hospital.

"Fine. Look I'm really sorry Jen. It is all my fault that you that you-" she whispered before breaking into tears.

"It is not your fault. Don't do this to yourself. I am to be blame too. I should have never done that to myself. It is never okay. I should have stay strong and ask for help. I'm sorry and regret what I did." I whispered, hugging her.

"You are okay, right? I thought I was too late. Lincoln had left me that way. Please don't leave me that way." She sobbed as she mentioned her late brother.

I felt my heart wrenched. She never mentioned much about her brother. It must have scared her to see me in that condition.

"You saved me, Lisa. If you didn't put me to that position, I would have choked to death. Thank you, Lisa." I smiled with teary eyes.

"Err...why are there two guys at your sides ?" She whispered in horror, wiping her tears away.

She backed away from me slowly.

"Hey! Lisa, don't worry. They are my bodyguards. My dad wouldn't let me out without them" I rolled my eyes.

"Ohhh" She answered, nodding, holding onto her chest.

"You okay?" I held her hand.

"Yeah, it's just that I thought they were bad guys or something. You know ever since that incident, I've been wary about guys." She muttered, staring at the ground.

"Aston, William, could you guys stand a few steps away from me?" I turned to the bodyguards.

"Ma'am, your dad asked us to be near you," William replied.

"C'mon guys, just a few steps away only, please." I pleaded.

They looked at each other. Then, at me and Lisa. They nodded, almost robotically, moved 3 steps backward. I would have laughed at how serious they looked but didn't when I saw Lisa sighed in relief.

"Lisa, it's okay. With them here, we will be safe. Alright?" I asked her gently.

"O-...okay." She mumbled.

"Let's go! It's been a long time since we had their milkshake!" I exclaimed, holding her hands.

She smiled as she held my hands firmly.


(Blake's Pov)

"Alright, I can do this!" I encouraged myself as I approached the mansion.

My palm felt sweaty, my heart was beating wildly and I could feel small beads of perspiration forming on my forehead. I wiped it off and shake off the anxiety creeping around me. I took in a deep breath and pressed the bell.

I waited for a few seconds before I backed away. I couldn't do this after all. As I was about to get down from the porch, the door was opened.

"Sir? Can I help you?" a man questioned.

I turned and gulped as the man narrowed his eyes towards me. I stride forward with confidence, hoping he doesn't see how anxious I was.

"Erm... Can I meet with Big Dad- I mean Dexter Davina?" I answered, folding my hands in respect.

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