Chapter 19

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"Sydiam your grande Orange Peel and Jasmin is ready" 

I roll my eyes at the name Brittney gave them for me and quickly grab my drink, avoiding eye contact with the server.  

"So what's up? Have you heard from Li yet? And why are you talking to Niall so much?" Brittney bombards me the moment I sit back down. I cringe when I hear her use my nickname for him. 

"Because, Niall was willing to give me his phone number and Liam wasn't." I say, showing my frustration.  

"So do you like Niall? Or do you like Liam?" She asks boldly, confronting the issue that I've been ignoring for days. 

"Right now, neither!" I say, trying to convince myself more than anything. 

"What happened the night of Niall's party? I just know that I was looking for you and Harry said that Niall had taken you back to the hotel, so I was stuck there."  

"I was drunk and being stupid." 

"So they kicked you out?" 

"No. No. I don’t know. You saw how Liam was being, all super sweet and wanting me around him the entire time, and then Niall took me to be introduced to some people, and tried to teach me to dance a bit, but when I came back to Liam he was acting all weird."  

"What do you mean?" She asks, leaning forward, eyes lit.  

I give her a strange look, but continue. "He just seemed distant, and disinterested in me." 

Brittney looks down at her feet, twisting the ends of her hair between her fingers. "Maybe he was jealous of you spending time with Niall?" She offers, biting her lip and cocking an eyebrow. 

I hadn't thought of this. "Maybe that’s why he was all over some chick just minutes later! He was trying to make me jealous back!"  

"He what?!" She nearly yells. 

I go on to tell her how I walked away to try and collect myself but came back to find Liam with some girl on his lap. I told her how instead of remaining cool and enjoying the party, I completely lost it and ran away crying like a 12 year old at the middle school dance. I still cringe at the thought of myself that night.  

"So Niall just, took you back to the hotel then? He stayed with you though right?" 

"I asked him to, but it was nothing, really."  

She gives me a look that tells me she isn't buying it. 

"Honestly, we ordered room service, ate ice cream and watched some movies. I slept on the couch!" I leave out that Niall slept on the couch with me. It wasn't intentional, we both just happened to fall asleep during the movie. "What about you though? What did you do at the party?"  

I can tell by her smile that it’s not so much what she did, as who. I know that, as a human being with any amount of moral fiber, I shouldn’t be so understanding of Brittney’s promiscuity, but I guess it’s just something I came to accept about her years ago. She rushed into marriage at 19 when she found out she was pregnant because she wanted the stability, but Brittney was never cut out for marriage and everyone, her husband included, knew that. I don’t think he knows that she still sleeps around, I think they just choose not to talk about it. Despite her sexual habits, she’s a great mother and has the most beautiful little boy.  

 “That bad, eh?” I ask her jokingly. 

“Not bad at all. It was good. Really good!”  

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