Chapter 20

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I feel a hand press against the small of my back, leading me through the crowd of fans and cameras. I know we're back at the hotel, but I'm not sure about all the events that lead us back here. I lift my own hand to block my face from the blinding flashes, but find that it is already filled with someone elses fingers. I quickly let go and turn towards her, squinting my eyes to see who it is. When I don't recognize her I jump forward, looking to my right to see who has their hands on the other side of me. It's Zayn; I relax.  

"Whoa man, what's wrong?" 

I look from Zayn, to the girl, and back to Zayn again. I think... I think I asked her to come with us. I had  an idea. A plan, it's right there, so close, I can almost remember, but, I just don't. The harder I try to make sense of it all, the further it drifts away. I look away from the two of them and walk ahead to the lift.  

"You should probably stay back." I hear Zayn say moments before he enters the lift with me. 

"I feel like..." I trail off and I Zayn waits for me to finish. "Like she was there, like I'm a dick for walking away from her..." 


"But I can't, it isn’t coming together."  

"You wanted her to be seen with you, to make the girl jealous the way her talking to Niall makes you jealous." 

"I'm not jealous of Niall, that's fucking stupid!" I yell, glaring at him. 

He shakes his head, unphased by my anger. 

"Why? Why did you let me do it?" I yell again.  

"Your Liam fucking Payne, no body tells you what to do." He says in a mocking voice.  

I can tell he's losing his patience with me so I take a deep breath, trying to calm myself down.  

"Those paps, do you think they got pictures?" I ask calmly. 

He gives me a look that tells me I asked a dumb question. Of course they did. 

"FUCK!" I yell again, this time punching the wall. Fuck. The lift door springs open before Zayn can respond to my outburst. I shake my fist, trying to throw off my self-inflicted pain. Damnit why did he let me do that? Why would he let me make such a dumb ass decision.  

If Niall just hadn't given her his number, none of this would have been an issue at all! Why am I back to this shit again?  

Because if it weren't for him, I never would have slept with her friend. And her friend never would have gave me some warning that pissed me off and made me push her away, and Niall never would have ended up in her hotel room again. 

I follow Zayn into our hotel room and throw myself onto the bed. If Sophia hadn't been such an evil bitch, maybe trusting woman would be easier. Trusting my brothers would be easier. Trusting myself... 

I notice my phone on the night stand with a green blinking light. I remove it from the charger and check my notifications. Two new text messages: 

"Niallator: Hey bro, wake me when you get back in. I want talk, make sure every things alight."  

And another from an unsaved number. Maybe Niall gave Sydney my cell! 

"I warned you about hurting Syd. - B"  

B? Who the fuck is.... BRITTNEY! But how did she.... aww fuck it. I don't have time for her shit. I send a quick response to NIall telling him we can talk in the morning, plug my phone back in, and then roll over to sleep off this awful night.  

Wasted || Liam PayneTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang