A Simple Start | Story 09

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Story 9 - Never Part Ways

It was 10 p.m. Anika was sitting beside the window staring at the moon.

    “ My life has changed upside down in just a day. I don’t know what wrong I did. Why did Shivaay react so? He has been so sweet these days. Or is it an illusion? Did I assume things that he likes me?I think,I misunderstood by thinking that he likes me. How can Shivay Singh oberoi,who comes from a very big family and who gives more importance to family and blood, like me ,a simple girl,who does not even have a surname? That’s impossible. I was mad to think that he likes me".

        She sighed. She saw firecrackers bursting in the sky.

        “ Everyone is celebrating new year. Just 2 hours left for new year. I am always excited about new year. Because,new year means,new hope. I used to think every year that at least my life would be better this year. But most of the time,all that I get is dismay. I do remember the last new year which I celebrated with Sahil. We saved some money and got a little cake and cut it. This year,Sahil is far away from me in the boarding school. And I have got my sister Gowri now. I was excited about this new year as I am going to celebrate it with Gauri. But it was just a dream. No excitement today. But I have one resolution to be taken. Every time,when Shivay fights with me,I am the one who talks to him first. Moreover, he married me by threatening that he would kill Sahil. But I forgave him when he asked for apology. I should not have done so. I fell for him that I gave up my self esteem for him. No.. How could I do that? No. This Anika won’t give up her self esteem for anyone. Whoever it may be. And this is my resolution. I will not talk to him. No. I will not even see him. I should not. This is not only new year resolution. But my life time  resolution “.

           She wiped her tears with determination.

           Her mobile rang and the name  ‘ Gauri' flashed on the screen. 

           “ Gauri! Why is she calling me now?”,she thought and took the phone.

           “ Anika di! Di!”,Gauri spoke in a trembling voice.

           “ Gauri! Are you alright? What happened?? Why are you so nervous? “,Anika was scared.

           “ Di! I was going home with Om. We had an argument. I said that Shivay jiju did wrong by sending you out of the house. Om was angry and he told me that I should not talk so about his brother. I was still arguing and so he asked me to get down from the car mid way. I don’t know what place this is. I am scared. There is only a bangalow here. I am so scared di”,said Gauri without a pause.

             Anika was unaware of what to do next. “ Gauri! Don’t worry! I will come and pick you up. Be calm”,Anika tried to console Gauri.

             Gauri nodded.

“ This Gauri! I don’t know why is she arguing with Om. He likes his brother so much and she would have spoken bad about him. Gauri has to control her tongue. At times,she falls into trouble only because of her this attitude”,Anika flew away in her scooter after tracking Gauri’ s location.


              On the other side,Shivaay was busy in looking at the files. He got a call from Rudra.

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