A Simple Start | Story 02

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Story 02 - “Be You, Bravely”

Annika's pov.

The train has started moving finally,  it's my first time on the train so I'm so excited and thrilled.  And moreover, I'll be away from my home for two days. That's another unbelievable thing. Thanks to my lovely mother for helping me to escape that cage called 'home'.  All thanks to my father for going to that amazing business trip letting me live in peace. If dad would be here, he will never allow me to either travel in a train or go alone somewhere.

I'm also very excited about this college trip. But the very weird thing is I don't find so many students except for few. Those few include my besties and hisgang, that's really very weird. Maybe they are in the next compartment who knows ?.

Just as I was removing my slippers, I found someone taking a seat before me, I mean in front of me. I raised my head to see who it is.  And it's that idiot ex of mine. Out of all the people why should he sit in front of me? Why  Good God why? 

What is his problem? , and why can't I pretend to be happily moved on?  Why do my tears may have to betray me all the time?

Control your tears, Annika.

He was gawking at me continuously, doesn't he have any other work to do?  Stop staring me you, idiot.

I passed him an angry glare and looked outside the window to divert my mind.

Three weeks without him was hell painful,  now seeing him so close to me breaks my heart once again. Why did I agree to come on this trip?  I regret it now.

I don't want to face him. He bloody left me. I should be hating him. But my poor heart still loves him. I hate myself for loving him. But I can't help it. Ugh.

"Do you want this? " he asked me,  I averted my gaze to see what's his problem and damn he has my favorite chocolate. He knows my weaknesses so well. The nerve of him to ask me. Huh. 

I'm not going to melt Mr. Oberoi, I smirked and ignored him.

He was totally pissed off by my ignorance and I'm loving it. I love annoying him. Let him suffer this silent treatment. I ain't going to talk with him until he asks one sorry. No that's not enough too. Let me see what will he do.

"Ishana looks like only we are going for this trip. Where are others?" I asked my friend who was sitting beside me.

She was nervous the moment I asked her that question. What's happening?  Are they fooling me?  Okay, maybe I was over thinking.

"They are in another compartment Annie, " she spoke nervously and I knew it something is definitely fishy.

I shrugged away the negative thoughts and tried to enjoy my ride. It's probably going to be the first and last time I'm traveling on a train. So late me enjoy it to the fullest.

"Hey guys,  shall we do something funny or interesting? " shivaay spoke eyeing me.

What's cooking in his useless brain? 

"Yes,  then let's play anthakshari, what say? " Soumya suggested.

Okay, that's the cool but boring and too old thing.

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