A Letter of Love | Story 5

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Dear Superman,

The boy with the heart of iron! My Iron Man! The strongest person I've ever seen in my entire life! I miss you, Ansh. I wish you were here with us today.

It's Feburary 14, your birthday, today and I miss you more than I've ever did! You would have grown into a wonderful 12 year old boy today. I wonder how you would look like. When you were born, everyone said that you looked like me! Only your eyes were of your Papa's, but when you grew up, you grew looking much more similar to your Papa. And to be honest, your Papa was very happy with that. I wish I could turn back time to that phase of our life again. One of the most happiest moments of our life!

Who knew that being the exact replica of your Papa, you would have inherited his heart problem as well! It was something that your Papa could never forgive himself for. We are still trying to bring him out of the guilt. I know that you won’t like it a bit if your Papa still mourns for you. But, it’s hard for us to get him out of it completely. He smiles and laughs around when he’s around us, the whole family, especially me, but I know that he's just pretending to be strong.

It was my mistake as well. After you left, I couldn’t think of anything else and allowed myself to be drowned into grief. I just couldn’t accept the fact that you would no longer be there. Your Papa and our whole family tried a lot to make me go back to being normal but it didn’t work. I had even abandoned your little munchkin Anshi and I'm sorry for that. You dwelled into my life more than anyone else! You gave me the boon to be a mother when I thought I wouldn’t conceive. You brought back the hope that I buried long ago and completed me. Remember? You and Anshi used to argue on whom I love the most between the both of you? I had always answered that I love you both equally, but I guess I was wrong. You were right when you claim that I love you more! Maybe it’s because you are our first born or maybe it’s just because I knew that I wouldn’t have much time with you and showered you with all my love!

A few days back, on my birthday, I had dreamt of you. You were still as small as you were with your Berlin heart attached on you. You had your red Cape around your neck and a huge Iron Man's heart sticker on your shirt, by your chest. My Superman baby! It amazes me now when I come to think of how took your severe heart problem very lightly and managed to make a humorous connection about it and superheroes! You call yourself Superman whenever the green liquid medicine is injected through drips into your body. You used to say that you’re a Kryptonian and also that you can’t survive with human blood and thus you need the Kryptonian blood to stay alive! And the Berlin heart made you call yourself Iron Man! You were so creative and imaginative at such a tender age! Whenever I think of that now, my heart swells with pride, Ansh! You were so strong, brave and bold! How I wish I could have been like you!

You used to call me Wonder Woman, but, I’m no Wonder Woman, Ansh. Your Mummy is nothing but a fragile mother who lost her son. I’m not proud of what I have become and I promise to change myself Ansh. It’s just that... I wish we had more time together! I wish I could have watch you grow! I wish we had tried harder to get you a transplant heart! And, amidst all these wishes, your memories also drowned me into an alternate reality. I fell into a severe depression. I had completely avoided everyone and stayed by myself. Your memories were the only thing that kept me alive. But, the memories alone wasn’t enough. Each day without you was a torment for me and I decided to be with you forever.

I gave up on living. I had let myself and you down, but, your Papa never gave up on me. He fought against all the odds and kept me alive. Your munchkin, Anshi also forgave me and accepted me open-heartedly again! That was when I realized how wrong I was to let myself drown in your love. You had always said that you don't want to ‘fall’ in love. Instead, you wanted to ‘grow’ in love. That day, in the hospital, while I was lying on the bed, I realized how true your words were! Falling in love hurts but growing in love is infinitely beautiful. That day, I also realized that I wanted to grow in your love! I no longer wanted to fall as I was dragging down two other person who mean the world to me along.

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