She offered to call a cab, but I declined telling that Luke it there to pick me. As soon as I called Luke, he came with the call. He saw the state I was in and immediately jumped out of the car.
"Twinkle what happened to you? Why are you crying? Oh my God! Who slapped you? " he asked with full of concern.

I was not in a position to answer, so Cara answered for me. She offered to come with me and help me. Luke said he would take care of me.

As soon as I got into the car, I broke down. Luke stopped the car near a ice cream parlour. He bought my favorite butterscotch ice-cream to lighten my mood. Later we went back home and got back to doing my house chores.

I tried forgetting it, but I was not able to forget it. Later I went to grandpa Nicholas. He said some stories and he fell asleep. I cooked for everyone and went to my room, to sleep for awhile.

I was sleeping on the floor. After few minutes the door opened. In came my husband totally tired. So I immediately got up and went out of the room to give him some time to relax. As I didn't have much work, I went to do some gardening.

I was singing happily. You might be thinking how can I be happy ? This is not new to me, getting humiliated. So I leave it behind and enjoy what I'm doing. I love singing. It free's me from my tensions. I see all butterflies flying from one flower to another, leaves shaking happily. I think the enjoy my singing. So I kept singing without the care of the world.

Later I cooked for everyone as usual. I don't know when my life is going to change.

But I'm that atleast no one bothered to torture me when I stay here. Sometimes there would be few comments from Nina about me, but other that everything is going fine.

Next morning Andrew didn't go for work. He didn't even wake up. I was worried. Everyone asked me about him and my only reply was, "He's still asleep."

They agreed, since recently he was working late hours. He would not eat and sleep properly. He hardly come's home. Even after what he did to me, I feel sorry for him. So I went to room, to check upon him. I was even ready to face his warmth, but I want to know he is OK.

Once I entered, I noticed him still sleeping and shivering. He looked pale. I touched his forehead to check whether he is sick. Indeed he was sick, he was burning hot. I took the thermometer and checked his temperature. It was 103 degree. I called his family doctor.

After the checkup he informed that Andrew requires sleep and should rest for awhile. He prescribed some medicines. I thanked him and he left.
Nina, Melvin, Sheryl a drama grandpa everyone came to see him. After seeing him they left yelling me to take care of him.

I made chicken soup for him. Nina said that she will take care of the kitchen for today and I should take care of Andrew. I remember mom making chicken soup whenever I'm sick.

I tried wake him up.
" Mr. Lockwood! Can you please wake up. Have something because you to take your medicine's."
He groaned at first but later obliged.
He looked so tired. I helped him sit properly. He didn't flinch or flee from my touch he allowed me to help him.

"Drink this soup first. Meanwhile I will get something for you to eat." he nodded like a small boy.

I came back down to get food for him. When I went up to check on him again, he was still sitting resting his head on the headboard.

The soup wasn't touched. He had his eyes closed. I shakes him,
"Mr. Lockwood, please drink the soup before it turns cold."

He didn't even try to take the spoon. sighing! I took the bowl and pulled a nearby stool. I took a spoon full of soup towards his lips. He hesitated to open his mouth but later drank it.

I was so happy to feed him. I wish he always listens to me. He looked like a small boy. Later I place she tray with food on the bed, and asked him to eat,
"So now since you completed the soup. Have this food."

He shakes his head as no." I'm not hungry. Just give me my medicine."

I don't know why I did that but I smacked him on the head. I thought he would be angry be started laughing. Wow his laugh is so beautiful. I can live my whole life just with his laugh. He had dimples. Oh my God they are so cute.
"What has got into you woman? Who the hell smacks a sick person?" he asked still laughing.

I blushed with his remark, "I'm sorry. My mom used to do that when I don't listen to her. I was not in my senses when I did that." I apologized.

"Ok as a punishment, come and feed me now. You want me to eat right, look I'm very tired. So hurry up and feed me."

I fed him. All time I was staring at his beautiful face. This is the first time I'm so close to him, enjoying with him. Though he struggling, I'm loving the time. I gave him the meds and he slept.

I helped him to washroom. I changed his shirt, as he had spilled some soup over it. His temperature was slowly getting down. I was awake the whole night taking care of him.

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