Chapter Forty: A Quirk Marriage

Start from the beginning

Nanami had been busy with her duties as the student body president, which meant that lunch had progressed relatively smoothly. You'd taken your usual seat with Shoto and your small group of friends, chatting along happily with Ochaco.

At one point you'd noticed Touya, who merrily smiled and waved as you glared daggers at him. Bastard. So much for not telling her how you found out.

"Miss (l/n) and I will be monitoring you and offering insights and some combat training to those who need it. If there are any questions, please feel free to approach either one of us."

"I look forward to working with everyone," you smiled, watching as they all went their separate ways to train.

You slowly made your rounds, giving combat tips and techniques to those who needed it most.

"Watch your fighting stance," you tapped Midoriya's foot with your own. "You want to make sure that your weight it fairly well distributed so that it's harder to knock you off balance."

"Okay," he nodded, adjusting his footing. "Anything else?"

You shook your head. "No, I think you're doing pretty well otherwise. Just work on trying to control your quirk, and make sure that you don't get so caught up in analyzing your opponent that you forget to move."

"Thanks," Midoriya smiled. "I'll try my best."

"I don't doubt it," you smiled back, slowly continuing on your way.

A series of massive explosions erupted not too far away from you, making you wince. Great, how am I going to deal with him? You sucked in a breath, mentally preparing yourself as you started off in Katsuki's direction. Don't worry about it for now. You're in class, you need to focus on the task at hand.

You skirted around a couple of trees, making your way into the simulated forest clearing that Katsuki was training in. His back was turned to you, his form heaving as he took a running start towards a large tree. He leapt forward, using an explosion to propel himself up and over an invisible attacker. He landed low to the ground, spinning with his one leg outstretched as if he was sweeping his enemy off his feet.

"He doesn't look like he needs any help," you muttered to yourself, turning to leave.

"If you didn't want to be seen, you should have used your quirk."

You stopped, slowly turning to face him once more. "Who said I was trying to stay hidden?"

Katsuki continued on his imaginary rampage, combating invisible foes. He didn't even glance in your direction.

"Are you going to help me train, or what?"

He seems oddly... composed. You frowned, tilting your head to the side as you watched him. "You seem to be fairly well versed in one on one combat. You have classmates that need my help much more than you do."

He remained silent, his focus now set on a small cluster of trees. He raised a hand, setting off a massive explosion that broke them in half and charred the remaining trunks.

Fine, whatever, be that way. You sighed, turning to leave once more.

"Why didn't you tell me that you were engaged?"

Ice shot through your veins, dread sinking into your stomach. You looked to Katsuki, surprised to find that he was now watching you. "Because it doesn't matter."

His face contorted in annoyance. "What do you mean, it doesn't matter?" He stalked towards you, crimson eyes alight with fire. "We're friends, aren't we? Why wouldn't you tell me something like that?"

You clenched your jaw, hands fisting at your sides as you turned to confront him. "Friends?Friends don't go around kissing their friends just for the hell of it! I have a fucking boyfriend for Christ sakes!"

Katsuki grabbed onto your wrists, taking you by surprise as he roughly pulled you to him. "I get that your pissed but-"

"Of course I'm pissed!" You attempted to yank yourself from his hold. "We don't know each other, we're barely friends, and yet you still thought it was a brilliant idea to kiss me. What the hell is wrong with you?"

Your wrists began to burn as you felt his grip on them tighten. "Fine. I kissed you before I should have and I'm sorry for that. Now how long have you and that half and half bastard been engaged?"

"Since we were kids." You glared up at him. "Now let me go."

He ignored you. "So, what? Is it like some stupid childhood promise or something?"

You snorted. "It's called an arranged marriage, dumbass. Look it up."

His grip loosened, and you pulled yourself from his hold, taking a step back. "You're part of a quirk marriage? So, it wasn't your choice then." Katsuki visibly relaxed.

You glared at him. "Maybe not then, but it is now. I have every intention of marrying Shoto."

His crimson eyes narrowed. "I don't see a ring on your finger."

"That's because we just started dating," you ground out. "And we're in high school. It wouldn't be appropriate for us to be officially engaged."

"And quirk marriages aren't legal, nor appropriate for children, yet here we are."

"Whatever." You spun to leave. "I don't have time for this nonsense. I have other students to help train."

Katsuki let you go, and your footsteps slowed as you exited the tree line. Did he... did he say he kissed me before he should have? What the hell is that supposed to mean?!


"Well, that was interesting," Kirishima shook his head as he entered Katsuki's training area.

Katsuki huffed in irritation. "How long have you been there, Shitty hair?"

"Long enough," Kirishima shrugged but couldn't keep a smile from creeping onto his face as he approached his friend. "I take it you'll be wanting this back then?" He held up the black box that Katsuki had throw at him earlier.

Katsuki snatched the box from him, quickly pocketing it. "I hope you're right about this, Shitty hair," he glared at the red head. "If not, I'll hunt you down and kill you." Katsuki raised his hand and set off a small series of explosions to emphasize his point.

"Yeah, Bro, don't worry!" Kirishima smiled wide, showing off his sharp teeth. "Girls love stuff like that."

Chasing Reality (Katsuki Bakugo X Reader X Shoto Todoroki) UNFINISHED Where stories live. Discover now