Chapter 42

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I decide to do what I always do when I get so fucking pissed that I'm about to blow. I enter the studio and see Mike, the receptionist.
"Yo, Em! back again to stir up some shit?" He calls as I fast walk down the hair where the recording booths are.
"Yeah." I say and keep walking, I am on a muthafucking mission here.
I unlock the door to the booth and sit on my leather couch and pull out a pad of paper from the seats that I keep in handy.
And don't you fucking  judge me for it either.
The words just flow from my mind so fast.
Camilla baby
Thought you were different
Just like Kim
You fucking cunt
Every bitch I date
I just keep Pouring and pouring my heart out until I have my masterpiece. I record it, full of passion.
There is no time to waste, no time for criticism, I don't even send it Dre first.
I send it right to Paul, "This..." I breathe heavily in the phone, out of breath, " is my newest fucking hit."
Paul listens, "did you relapse, Em?"He asks quietly.
I stare at Camilla's picture I had had taped on the wall, and I rip it down.
"I relapsed on believing woman could be trusted." I say and hang up and cry.
I always try to be the strong man here, show no fucking feelings, but I'm human too.

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