Chapter 10, lucky

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The next day I decide to call Marshall. Why do I try? I mean, he probably hates me so badly, he doesn't even want to talk to me. I hit call and I the next thing I knew someone picked up!

"Hi," The voice goes, but it's not Marshall's it sounds female. Kim's!? Oh fuck, that's all I need to get Marshall in trouble.

"Hello. . . ?"I say, frightened 

"Hi, I already said that silly! Do you want to talk to Daddy?"

Was it Hailie?

"Ummm, yes please, thank you."

"Well," The voice goes on, "He's talking to Mommy right now, she just dropped us off, so your going to have to wait. Guess what though? Mommy got me this really cool barbie doll, and she's in this really pretty dress, and has flowers in her hair, and she's blond like me, and oh what's your name?


" Oh, . . . oh hi Daddy! There's this girl Camilla calling you. I think it might be Camilla from that crazy strip book, but shouldn't she be calling Andre about that? Isn't he a doctor? Or he just a rapper?"

"Whitney," I hear " Could I have the phone please?"

Whitney sighs and I hear Marshall's voice.

"Hello?" He says, his voice low and deep.

"Hey," I say softly, " I was calling to say I was sorry about last night and I understand if you don't want to see me again."

There's a silence.

" I don't care about last night." He says

"Uhh, okay." I say, not really knowing what to say. I was always bad at talking at times like this.

"You know what, who about you come over tonight at my house to meet my girls?" He asks.

" Your, umm, yeah sure, totally." I giggle nervelessly, I mean, I knew he had kids, but meet them so soon? They probably hate me, thinking I'm taking away their Dad, and I think I'm having a asthma attack right now.

"Okay," He says, and gives he his address, and tells me to come around 5:00.

"See you soon," I say, and I hang up.  

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