Chapter 4, common

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I walk down the streets of Detroit, both window shopping and actual shopping. I walk pass people, with  shopping bags in my hand. Luckily, no body has jumped on me yet. It is unsafe to walk without a bodyguard, it's like a 90 year old lady trying to walk around without Life Alert, it's that dangerous. I look into a Starbucks from the outside trying to see if they are still offering a deal I saw a few weeks ago, but my seeking for coffee deals was interrupted when I hear a voice, even though the voice doesn't say my name I know it is directed to me.

"Hey!" The voice shouts.It's a man. 

I turn, scared thinking the guys going to take me to some dark alley and either knock the shit out of me or rape me. Welcome to Detroit, I think as I turn around. It's Marshall.

I wave him over and shout a 'hello'. He walks over, hands in pocket like he's cold or something.

"Hey," He repeats, and then looks at my bags. " Are you shoppin'?"

"Yeah," I saw, and smile. 

"Oh, I was just takin' a walk, clear my fucking head." He says, looking into the Starbucks I was looking into before.

"Were you going to get some coffee?" He asks.

"No, I was just looking in there." I blush as he gives me a funny look.

"Where are you going now?" He asks

I blush, an look onto the street. "I was going to the comic book store on Fleet Street." 

"You like comic books?" He asks, looking surprised.

"Yeah, I got teased by my room mate in college 'cause of it. Every Saturday I would go to the Comic Book store, when all the other girls would go to like, Bath and Body Works."

He nods as we walk to the comic book store.

"Favorite superhero, a good one." He fires

"Batman," I fire right back.

He shakes his head, "Spiderman,"

"Favorite bad guy?" I ask


Now it's my turn to shake my head. "Everyone says that, it's to common." I say.

"Oh really, then what's fucking your favorite?" I narrows his eyes, but I know he's just playing around.

"Penguin."I say

He snorts," he doesn't do anything."

I roll my eyes, as I head into the store. The store smells like both books and popcorn,and I race down the rows of comics, like a geek, and pick up one after the other and by the time  I'm done picking out my comics, I have a big stack. I go to Marshall whose looking at ones with Spiderman in them. He looks up at me.


I nod and hold up my stack. "Where's your pile?" I ask

He picks up a pile from the floor I had no idea was there and smirks. the pile is like 2 times bigger than mine.

We head the counter, and pay for our stuff, and head back to my car.I get in my car, and before I shut the door he leans down.

"I was wondering," He says looking at the steering wheel, " If I could see you tomorrow?"

I Pick up his hand gently, and take out a pen and write my number on his hand. 

"Of course." I say gently also and he back away and I shut the door.He starts to walk away. I roll down my window.

"Hey Marshall?" I yell

He turns

"I don't think your as crazy as you think you are." 

I pull away and leave him there knowing, no one has ever said that to him before.

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