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As I drive to his house, my hands begin to sweat. He probably doesn't like me, it's pity, it must be. I drive and drive thinking about his kids, will they like me? Maybe. I don't want to act like I hate them, but I don't want to be sugary sweet either. I pull up to the gate.

"Ummmm." I say, how am I going to get in?

"Who is it?" Crackles a voice from the speaker. I just and almost piss my pants. I smooth my hair, and check my makeup, and I hear a giggle. "What the. . . ?"

" Come in, sorry!" says a male voice. It's him! But who it before. . . ?

I pull in, and gape at the house, Holy Fuck, and he live by HIMSELF. Whats in there a spa and his own music studio? I grab my purse, and open the car down and close it, and begin my walk to the front door. My upper lip begins to sweat, Goddamit, I wipe it, and stare at my finger, and see the skin colored smear. Fuck. Suddenly the front door flys open, and a little girl flys out and hugs me. I bite my lip. Pain! Then I smile down at her. At least one of them likes me.

"Oh Hi!" The little girl says," You sure are purttttyy. I saw you in front of the gate you know, you were smoothing your very shiny hair, and doing something weird with your eyelashes, like petting them or something . Are you going  to be my second mommy?" She looks up at me


"Whitney," Marshall says with his sexy, tempting mouth.

"Hello," Says the second one. Her blond hair is pretty and full, " My name is Hailie." She neither smiles or glares, but offers her hand.

I take it and smile," Nice to meet you."

Then the last daughter comes toward me, and gives me a stiff hug. Hailie glares at her.

" Hello, I'm Laney." She smiles and gives a little wave, picks up the little girl and back up.

"Hey," Says Marshall

"Hello." I smile and say.

"Let's go inside." Marshall says and the girls scamper inside. Marshal lingers and takes my hand and leads me in his house. Showtime baby.


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