Chapter 28

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I watch Camilla until she leaves the room, and then I turn my head back to 50. 50's smile is long gone and he watches me carefully, prepared to jump up any time, knowing that he's pushed me to fucking far.

"So why the fuck are you here?" I ask him

He opens his mouth, then closes it, then opens it again, but I cut him off before he he can say anything.

"Out of all the fucking mornings you could have come to my house, and let your dumbass self into MY house without even ASKING me, and by the way, where the fuck did you get a key to my house? YOU KNEW that Camilla was going to be at my house this weekend, but you came anyway. So next time you have your girl over at your house, I'll waltz my ass over there the next morning and bring donuts, so when you both wake up and come out, I'll be on YOUR faveorite chair with a bag of GODAMN donuts, how about that?" All the words tumble out of my mouth, and there is no holding back.

"Sorry, man," 50 says, " I just wanted to, you know . . . " he trails off.

"What did you want to do?"

"What?" 50 asks, confused, like he doesn't know what the fuck he just said. Fucking dumbass.

I cross my legs, and decide not to confuse the lost cause anymore then I have too, and take a different route, " So how did you get a key to my house?"

" You gave one to me."

"No, that's a fucking lie, and you know it is, and I know it is."

50 starts tracing his finger on the donut box, " Kim."

And guess what time it is ladies and gentlemen?

The time when I fucking lose it.

" KIM GAVE YOU A KEY TO MY HOUSE? WHY? WHY WERE YOU FUCKING TALKING TO THAT BITCH? THE ONE THAT SREWED ME OVER? IS SHE GIVING OUT FUCKING COPIES OF MY HOUSE TO EVERONE ON THE FUCKING BLOCK? IN THE WHOLE CITY?" At this point I have jumped out of the seat, and have grabbed the donut box out of 50's hands, and through them at the grand piano, so jelly, pudding, and frosting covers it.

50 jumps up too, but not to fight, but to move away from me, and he puts his hands up, " Yo, Marshall you need to calm down, buddy sit down."

But, I don't stop, I walk towards 50, flipping shit, and throwing pillows at him, " Why were you talking to Kim 50, you want to fuck her, are  you so desperate for some pussy? Or are you trying to get back at me, for fucking the girl, you always wanted? or are you just jealous she picked me over you? 

I'm about two inches from his face, staring at him with the best dirty look in history, and he startes right back, until finally he looks away, and turns and walks to the front door, his hand on the handle. 

"You know what Marshall?" He says looking back, " You don't fucking derserve her, because in the end, you'll just throw her away like she's trash." And then, he walks out, slamming the door.

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