Chapter 11, She's coming

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"Laney, Hailie, come here please." I shout so they can here me. After few seconds they come walking to me, Laney with earbuds in blasting God knows what.

She takes the earbuds out, " What Uncle Marshall?" She asks

"Well,"  I say, " I've known this girl, she's really nice, and I just . . "

"OMG, Dad! Are you dating someone!" Hailie bursts out.

"Umm, well, if you want to put it that way, but I just. . . "

"Daddy invited her over!" Shouts Whitney, clapping her hands. " This is so fun, the last time I had so much fun is when Laney brought her boyfriend over!" She giggles, and Laney gives her a death glare.

My dad instincts take over, " What boyfriend?" I ask. 

Laney mumbles something, and instead of making her speak up, I remember, we need to get ready.

"Now girls," I say, " Go dress up in nice clothes, clean your rooms, and help me pick up the house.

"Dad," Hailie whines, " No one get's dressed nicely anymore when company comes over. That's so old fashioned, and I didn't pack any dresses."

" And, the girl won't come in our rooms with she? Why do we have to clean them?" Laney jumps in.

"Hailie, just dress nicely, I don't want Camilla to think that you don't have any nice clothes,  and Laney clean your room, it should already be clean." I sigh, " Go," I point to the hallway, and Hallie and Laney march off. Whitney sits on the floor, " You do squirt," and she gets up and goes to her room.

I race to my room, and start trying on clothes, black, or gray shirt? Hoodie, or no hoodie? Goddammit.

Hey, sorry for ending this chapter badly, I just didn't really know how to end it. Also sorry for not updating, I'll try harder, I've been working on schoolwork, and my other book "Why Me?". Sorry if this book isn't as good as my other one! Love you guys, yellowfinch1 

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